Resist the Seduction of Mediocrity

Happy Monday,

When do we stop pushing? When do we stop trying to grow and improving ourselves? The answer is never. But doesn’t this lead to constant stress and unhappiness?

For some the answer is yes and that is because you are confusing the constant and never ending improvement mind set with a lack of contentment and happiness.

We can be working to grow and still enjoy abundant happiness. This occurs when we are grateful with all the circumstances that life is providing us with. We can be in a state of growth and happiness while understanding that the journey is the blessing. The joy that life has to offer is in the experiences, irregardless of the judgment we attach to it.

This is why it is almost sinful to accept mediocrity as a place of residence. Being good enough is not fulfilling our God given talents, what a waste. I believe we have an obligation to contribute our very best to society. To become the best version of ourselves. What do we gain by playing small? Certainly not satisfaction or increased self-esteem or self-confidence. We also must be an example for all those who we influence. To be a source of inspiration. We owe that to our kids and the next generation.

Be grateful for all that you have and all that is yet to come while you never stop improving yourself. Never accept mediocrity in your life. You deserve so much more. You were designed by God to for greatness. Embrace your greatness within.

Have an abundant and inspired week,


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