Thank God it is Monday,
Leadership is a common topic I like to write about. Why? Because all success rises or falls on leadership.
The three most important objectives of a leader are:
1. Set the vision and establish a strategy for the company or organization.
2. Attract, hire and train the very best available talent.
3. Create a top rate culture and ensure everyone has bought in….
These may seem to be simple things to accomplish, however, you might be surprised how many leaders fail to implement these objectives. A failure to do so will have devastating consequences to the long-term success of the organization.
Without a clearly defined vision the organization will struggle to gain traction. An organization’s “WHY” is its life blood. If everyone within the organization doesn’t clearly understand how what they do positively impacts the consumer, you are just another product or service.
Simon Sinek stated in his best selling book Start with Why, “Most people know what they do, most know how they do it, but very few know WHY they do what they do. Even less can articulate WHY they do what they do.” This is the difference between great companies and those who struggle for market share and identity.
A leader must always be on the prowl for talent. The organization can only rise to the level of its’ people. Surround yourself with the most talented people available.
You can’t have a great company without a great culture. Culture transcends egos and agendas. Culture creates a WE and not ME mindset. It is focused on serving others and delivering an exceptional experience for your customers or clients above and beyond the needs of the individual employee.
A great culture will attract the right people who believe in what you believe. This includes employees and customers. Changing a bad culture is very difficult. You need to get this right.
As a leader, if you focus 80% of your time on these three objectives, you will build a world class business.
Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,