The 3 Keys to Abundant Health

Thank God it’s Monday,
We focus so much time and energy on getting ahead that sometimes we forget to take care of our vessel. We talk about purpose and vision as the foundation to a meaningful life, but what does it matter if we forget to take care of our bodies? Reaching our goals and experiencing material abundance, while ignoring our physical well-being is a sin, literally!

It has been said, “God’s gift to us is life, our gift to him, is what we do with that life.” In many ways taking care of our bodies is not just good for our health, but it is a measure of our spiritual evolution. Everyday we must nourish our bodies. How we eat, move, and think is vital to the full expression of life. If we ignore any one of these key behaviors, then we gradually experience diminished energy and health. Ultimately leading to sickness and disease. Who wants that?

The formula for sustained health is simple.  Everyday get out and move around. Do something that is fun. Dance around your house…naked if you like. Exercise should not be work.

Eat nourishing whole foods. If it came from a box, bag or can, it is likely devoid of essential nutrients. Not good! Remember, live food for life.

Finally, nourish the mind with empowering thoughts. Read great books. I heard “Change Your Mind, Change your Destiny” is a really good one! Listen to inspiring music and laugh often, but mostly at yourself. Stop taking yourself so seriously. Always surround yourself with people who build up in strong and noble thoughts.

My friend Dr. James Chestnut said it well, “If you eat well, move well, and think well everyday, you will live well.”

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill you destiny,

Eat Well Move Well Think Well

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