4 Steps Every Leader Needs to Master

Thank God it’s Monday,

I recently had the pleasure to listen to Lou Holtz, former Notre Dame football coach. He was talking about leadership. He touched on the 4 basic needs that everyone within an organization needs to feel safe and happy.

1. Something to do.

2. Someone to love.

3. Something to hope for.

4. Something to believe in.

When you think about it, these are the core needs for everyone to experience fulfillment. It is no different for organizations. There must be a core belief system in place that guides every organization in order to be successful. These core beliefs attract the right employees, defines your brand, and creates your tribe or following.

When a team or organization has a passion (love) for who they are and what they believe in, it creates a purpose bigger than our own. This results in a clear action plan (The do) to see that the organization’s purpose becomes reality. A strong purpose will overcome any obstacle allowing us to reframe challenges as opportunities to learn from and become even stronger. Therefore, hope is the dominate emotion and energy.

Now is a great time to take stock and evaluate the current state of your practice or organization. Does your organization have a clearly defined purpose? Can everyone in your organization articulate the purpose? Are they in love with Chiropractic/your business? Are your daily activities consistent with your purpose or are you constantly putting out fires? Constantly putting out fires, is symptom of a practice out of purpose. Finally, is your culture one of hope and excitement for the future of chiropractic and your business.

If you answered negatively to any of these questions, it is time for a reboot. Lets begin by looking at this together so you can move forward in 2016.

You were born to be great. You invested a lot of time and money to make a difference in your communities and the world. You can’t lack these 4 essential needs if you are to maximize your return on that investment. Lets make sure you are prepared to make this a reality.

Have an abundant and inspired week,

A conceptual look at leadership and associated concepts.
A conceptual look at leadership and associated concepts.

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