
Thank God it’s Monday,

Do you know people who always seem to take offense to every little thing?

By the way, a very important fact; “Being offended is a choice, it’s a consciousness.”

Welcome to today’s society. Why is it that the most self-proclaimed tolerant individuals are usually the least tolerant? They demand tolerance on issues that are important to them however they to fail share that same tolerance with those they disagree with. Their intention is to shut down dialogue and conversation by proclaiming offense, which causes them to go on the defense. This is a sign of intellectual weakness, an inability to logically defend their position free of emotion.

Welcome to the grievance hustlers.

This is a dangerous trend in our country. When we lose the ability to have a fair and open-minded debate to express differences of opinions, we lose the opportunity to solve very serious problems. This leads to divisiveness, an erosion of values.

Our current leadership are masters at this. They divide people by race, gender, culture, socioeconomic status, class, geography, etc. Then they sell us on a solution. Their power is built on divisiveness.

Why am I writing about a national topic that is not very inspiring? We need to become aware of what is taking place. We must not fall prey to this well organized, destructive and undermining tactic. We must never engage these people emotionally. It is a “no win” situation. They are looking for confrontation.

These people will pull you down in every way. Avoid their negativity. Eliminate these energy vampires from your life. They are toxic and bad for your health. You will be happy you did.

Have abundant and inspired week,


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