Avoiding Burnout

Thank God it’s Monday,

What is the role of the Chiropractor? There are many different ideas and concepts but I would suggest the primary roles are to lead, educate and inspire. We need to tell the truth about where health comes from, how we lose our health, how to regain it, and then how maintain our health and vitality for the full expression of life.
Once you tell the story, all future decisions are based on the desired outcomes of the patient. The goals need to be agreed too mutually. Is it our job to hold people accountable to those goals? Yes, as long as their goals remain unchanged. We should never motivate them through fear or guilt because doing so never ends well.

As you can see there are many aspects to the doctor-patient relationship, a lot of potential roles to play. Unfortunately, all these roles require a lot of energy. Trying to make people do things that they really would prefer to avoid, is tough work. Is it any wonder why we are exhausted at the end of the day?

When you spend so much time invested in the decisions and outcomes of others, it is easy to loose your way. This is a recipe for professional burnout. This is the number one reason Chiropractors get disconnected from their passion.

No one wins with this practice style. Patients feel guilty and ashamed for letting you down; we wonder why we have such a large amount of inactive files. Investing so much of your energy in outcomes that you can’t control, will never result in the practice you deserve.

Here are the solutions. Let it go. Let go of the need to control the outcomes. Tell people the truth about their health. Do not use guilt and fear to motivate but be honest of the consequences of decisions. Honor and respect your patients to make decisions that best reflect their value system. You and your patients will enjoy this style of practice.

To change what we have requires us to think and act differently then we currently do.

Have an abundant and inspired week,

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