Alter Ego

Thank God it’s Monday,

It is my opinion we all have the capacity for greatness. Our greatness is revealed when we are expressing our infinite potential. When we live in the presence of love, abundance and gratitude we are able to manifest anything we desire. I also believe we have an alter ego (AE). This alter ego is the side of us that undermines our greatness. This is the voice of fear, uncertainty and doubt.

This voice (AE) is always the loudest when we are about to challenge ourselves and push ourselves to new heights. It is born out of our subconscious mind. It provides the reasons why we can’t succeed. Even though it is not based in truth or reality. Welcome to self-sabotage.

We do not have to allow our future to become our past.

The beauty about this journey called life, is we can leave the past where it belongs……….in the past! Choose a new reality by changing your thoughts. When we change our thoughts our brain fires and wires differently. Therefore we are creating new neural pathways. If this is done repeatedly, it will literally create a new you. This is called the “Law of Repetition”. Then over time, what we think about we bring about. Now you understand the “Law of Association”

The hardest part of change is not making the same decisions today as yesterday.

It’s time to let go of your alter ego. It does not serve you on your path to greatness.

Have an abundant and inspire week,


Alter Ego

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