When you look in the mirror what do you see?

Thank God it’s Monday,

How do you see yourself? Another words what is your self-image? Think long and hard about this because how you answer these questions are critical to how the world see’s you.

Your self-image is a reflection of your internal beliefs. These are our deep-seated beliefs about who and what we are. Studies have proven the greater our self–image the more success we experience.

What we believe about our true self reflects back to us every time we look in the mirror. If we believe we are strong, confident, intelligent and an attractive person this is who we see staring back at us. Conversely, if we see ourselves in a negative light this becomes the image we see.

Our deepest held beliefs about ourselves cannot be faked. You might have heard the phrase, “Fake it to you make it.” You can only get away with this for so long until our true self-image becomes apparent to all.

How do we change our self-image? It is actually easier than you think, but it takes work. The 4 habits are authenticity, visualization, affirmation and gratitude.

Begin by identifying the qualities, characteristics and attributes you want to be known for. Are they congruent with your authentic self? Secondly, we must create a new mental image of ourselves. Who do we want to BE?

Once you have clarity of this new you, rehearse it everyday by visualizing the new you in vivid detail. See yourself acting, thinking and behaving congruently with the new you.

Third, create a new internal dialogue. Write an affirmation that reflects who you want to become. Example; I am smart, I am successful, I am fit, etc. Everything that you want to become. Now repeat this multiple times per day out loud with emotion.

Finally, add gratitude. Gratitude is the single key emotion that can change how you see the world and how the world see’s you.

Practice these 4 habits daily. It takes time to rewire your brain, which is what these habits will eventually do. Once this change occurs you will never act or BE the same.

Be mindful that our outer world is a mere reflection of our inner world.

Live inspire, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,


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