It’s Easy to See the Negative

Thank God it’s Monday,

No matter what task we take on or idea we consider we can always find something wrong in every situation. Something that is not okay or that is less than perfect. As humans, we have perfected this mind-set. I guess it depends if you are a glass half-full or glass half-empty kind of person.

The flip side to this is that there is also something right with every situation. If we are willing to look hard enough even the most challenging experiences or circumstances have something inherently good and right within.

The question is, what are you focusing on? Are you choosing to look at what is not right or are you willing to look deeper at what is good. It is that simple. I understand that this seems easier said than done, but like any skill it takes practice to retrain your mind.

The next time you are faced with a difficult decision and before you give into the negative self-talk and past programing, ask yourself what is right and good within this challenge? Answer this question first. When you do, you will begin to train your mind to see the good in every situation. It doesn’t mean that you will become a blind optimist, but it will allow you to make better decisions based on fact and less on emotion.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,


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