What do you focus on?

Thank God it’s Monday,

When you woke this morning, what was the first thing you thought of? What was on the top of your to-do list? When we are clear of our life’s purpose our first thought should ALWAYS be, what do I need to do today to move me closer to my #1 goal.

What is most important in our lives is what we decide to put our focus and attention to. Your decisions will ultimately determine your destiny.

If your day begins with random thoughts and actions, then start by getting a clear mission and purpose. Your mission is your WHY! Why are you here and what do you want to be known for? Your purpose is your legacy. How will your purpose impact the lives of others?

We have a relatively short period of time to be able to impact the world. There is no time to waste. We need to have a plan every day. That plan is your strategy to fulfill your mission and purpose. Those who have the most clarity and a well thought out and documented plan get the most done.

So get started now! Why wait? There has never been a better time to take action. Get clear, get a plan and get going!

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

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