Live in the NOW

Thank God it’s Monday,

The perfection of NOW has never been more evident. We live in a world that spends an inordinate amount of time focusing on the past and fretting about the future.

Both are an exercise of futility.

When we give our energy to things that we cannot change and events yet to be experienced, we are living a consciousness of fear. You can’t create your best life when fear is the most dominate thought.

Forget about your past, it no longer exists accept in your memory and don’t worry about tomorrow and what is yet to come. It is in the NOW where we shape our destiny. This is the power of conscious living.

It starts by making gratitude your most dominate emotion.

Gratitude will shift your focus which will unlock the power of creation. When you feel the familiar pangs of fear ask yourself, “Am I focused on what is currently good in my life”?

When you change your thoughts you change your mind, and your destiny.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

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