If you Think So…

Life’s journey is an amazing ride, if you think so. It’s a blessing to be able to experience the variety of emotions along the way. I know you’re thinking, “I can do without the pain, heartache and tragedies,” which I get. However, if we don’t experience these emotions we would lack contrast and therefore, perspective. It is during life’s most challenging times where we learn the most about ourselves and who we are. This is where we begin to appreciate the smallest of blessings.

We can allow life’s struggles to shroud us in darkness or we can choose to reframe our mind, which will ultimately illuminate the inherent lessons while planting the seeds for new growth. The harvest is an abundant mindset, which will nurture and cultivate a gratitude consciousness.

Imagine…without darkness there can be no light. Without sorrow and pain there can be no joy. Without anger and hate there can be no love and acceptance. And without pain there can be no healing. There is joy in every emotion. The vast amalgam of human emotions is truly a gift, if you think so.

Nature provides a perfect example of this delicate balance between dark and light. Imagine if there were no storm clouds and rain, how would the sun be able to provide its energy for growth. Each is dependent on the other for the full expression of life to fully mature into what it was designed to become. Therefore, we are also blessed with each human emotion so we can become conscious of who we desire to BE and what we choose to experience. This last point is perhaps the most important of all. It means we are in control of our destiny. This is a game changer because this is the foundation to personal growth and the expansion of a collective human consciousness.

We don’t have to be anything other than what we desire the most. If you want to experience more love, then give your love away. If you want more happiness become the happiest person you know. Laugh and be silly, smile till your face hurts and most of all, don’t take yourself so seriously. Most things are not really that important.

What we give away, we get back and therefore, our world becomes a reflection of us. If you have ever wondered why you keep experiencing the same things over and over it’s because the same you keeps showing up. Change you, change your world!

If I had one wish for you, it would be to a embrace every emotion throughout your day. Learn to be grateful for ALL emotions because they enriched the human experience. It is in the contrast where life’s magic occurs and self-exploration begins, if you think so…

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