Thank God it’s Monday,
Everything in this universe has energy and a vibrational tone. Human beings emit an energy that either attracts or repels things. Those who vibrate at a higher frequency have a higher attraction level. The most common trait these people share is that they are action orientated.
If you have ever felt stagnant or stuck, the cure is action. If you find yourself at a stand still, it takes one thought or idea to inspire you to take action. Action immediately changes your energy. Action increases your vibrational tone and begins to attract you to the very thing you desire.
Don’t over think or analyze as it results in paralysis. Not deciding is deciding!
I often hear people tell me, “I like things just the way they are.” What they fail to understand is life is always changing and you are either moving forward or backwards. If motion is the one constant, then action is the only solution.
Action IS the cure for what ails you.
Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,