All posts by Dr. Jay LaGuardia

Dr. Jay LaGuardia has spent over 20 years teaching, coaching, and training patients and chiropractors alike the keys to a better life. Having built several successful business, and improved the health and quality of life of thousands of patients, Dr. Jay LaGuardia now focuses on helping people from all walks of life to achieve all their hopes and dreams.

The Brown Bag Approach

Thank God it’s Monday,

I recently came across an inspiring article about leadership. We know that leadership appears in many forms and styles, but perhaps no more important than at home.

Stony Brook College former AD, Jim Fiore, came up with a new idea: the brown bag approach.

Looking for new and innovative ways to inspire his family, he started writing quotes on his son lunch bag. He knows as a leader of young people, that the thoughts we fill our heads with have a big influence on our attitudes and behaviors.

Looking for ways to empower his son with strong and noble thoughts, the lunch bag quickly became the talk of the school. The lunch bag became so popular, that his friends couldn’t wait for lunch period; not because of the food, but rather for the next empowering thought.

What can you do to empower your teams? What new and innovative ways can you come up with to lead your family or team to reach new heights? When people are inspired, they are more enthusiastic and hopeful about the future. They are more productive and better at problem solving. Collectively, they feel like there is nothing they can’t achieve.

Your team, family and communities are looking to be inspired and led. They are waiting for a leader to show up with a vision that is clearly articulated.

Practice the 3 C’s: Creative, Consistent and Clear.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Brown lunch bag on table

Make a Difference Today

Thank God it’s Friday!

While attending a funeral I was recently reminded what makes a life well lived.

I was engaged in conversation with a mutual friend and we were reminiscing about the life we were honoring. We shared memories about the kindness and generosity this person displayed during his lifetime. We never once mentioned anything about the vast wealth he amassed or the material possessions he acquired.

When our time on earth has passed we can only hope to be remembered for the person we were and not the things we had.

Everyday we have the opportunity to spread sunshine, hope and love to everyone we come in contact with. We can choose to be kind and respectful. We can leave everyone we deal with feeling better about himself or herself with a compliment or a hug.

Choose today to be a difference maker. Make the world around you a better place and be remembered for the person you are. It reminds me of the book by Robin Sharma, “Who Will Cry When You Die.”

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Action is the Cure

Thank God it’s Monday,

Everything in this universe has energy and a vibrational tone. Human beings emit an energy that either attracts or repels things. Those who vibrate at a higher frequency have a higher attraction level. The most common trait these people share is that they are action orientated.

If you have ever felt stagnant or stuck, the cure is action. If you find yourself at a stand still, it takes one thought or idea to inspire you to take action. Action immediately changes your energy. Action increases your vibrational tone and begins to attract you to the very thing you desire.

Don’t over think or analyze as it results in paralysis. Not deciding is deciding!

I often hear people tell me, “I like things just the way they are.” What they fail to understand is life is always changing and you are either moving forward or backwards. If motion is the one constant, then action is the only solution.

Action IS the cure for what ails you.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Does it really matter?

Thank God it’s Monday,

In a world so divided it is not uncommon to be vilified for speaking your mind. It seems that we have lost decency and respect for those with different opinions. Instead of considering different viewpoints many choose to become offended by those with who think differently. Social media is a major contributor to this cultural shift. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others have become a place where people troll your newsfeed looking to argue or criticize.

If you are someone who becomes easily ruffled by every comment or feel slighted, why would you participate on these sites? More importantly, you will never find peace engaging at that level.

It is important to be polite and considerate, but in the end, does it really matter? You are likely not going to change opinions, so why try?

I encourage you to periodically take stock of your social media accounts. That means you should go through your account and unfriend/unfollow those who are neither respectful nor kind. What’s the value in allowing toxic people to troll you? Get rid of them, unfriend/unfollow them today.

In the end do they really matter?

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Invest in You!

Thank God It’s Monday,

As we plan for our future, we make investments in many things such as a home, college, retirement and other important endeavors. Unfortunately, most people fail to invest in them.

Businessman and Author, Brian Tracy, said “we should invest 3% of our income in our own personal development.” You may think this statement is self-serving for an author, but I can tell you from personal experience there is no truer statement.

I can definitively say investing in ones self is the best investment you can ever make. How can you possibly grow without exposing yourself to new ideas, concepts, and mentors who have achieved the things you would like to achieve?

I have seen people become inspired and completely transform their lives from a new thought.

When was the last time you took a course, read a new book or invited a mentor for coffee and picked their brain? From Author and Business coach, Robin Sharma, to the uber successful Richard Branson, said, “The ROI (Return on investment) for personal growth is 20:1.” If you know of any place where you can guarantee that kind of return, I would love to know.

If you invested $1,000 per year towards your personal growth for 20 years that equates to an additional $400,000 to your bottom line. Sign me up!

There is no better place to invest your money than in yourself. Start today by budgeting 3% of your income for personal growth. Identify what you want to learn, then go do it. The knowledge and opportunity it will afford you is staggering.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Be Audacious!

Thank God it’s Monday,

As you begin to implement your plan for the New Year, be mindful that those who think and act audaciously experience the best results.

Being audacious is being bold. It is acting and thinking bigger than ever before. Thinking big requires the same energy as thinking small, so why wouldn’t you think big?

Have the courage and belief that you can’t fail. That anything is possible, because it is! The only thing holding you back from experiencing massive success this year is your ability to be audacious.

Dare to dream big. What do you have to lose?

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Man jump through the gap. Element of design.

Be Kind with Your Words

Thank God It’s Monday,

We live in a world now that provides everyone with a platform to express themselves openly and freely. There are a multitude of opportunities to engage with those who disagree with us. Unfortunately, far too often the way we communicate is using volatile and incendiary words. If someone doesn’t agree with us we feel the need to attack them.

If we can learn to be kind and respectful with those who differ with us, we can have much greater influence. When we attack others it results in that person becoming defensive. Feelings become hurt and dialogue shuts down. How does this serve them or us?

We have to avoid falling into the trap of our current culture. We are better than that. When faced with a disagreement ask yourself, how would I feel? What can I learn from their point of view? How can I make my point without becoming emotional?

It is said that those who become emotional lack the intellectual capacity to engage in conversation based on fact and logic.

If you want to experience great relationships, be influential and have less stress then be the kindest person you know.

Would you rather be right or kind? Is it more important to win an argument or lose a friend?

Think about the most successful people you know. I guarantee they are great communicators that speak kindly.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

What can you really control?

Thank God it’s Monday,

For the first 30 years or so of my life, I tried to control everything. I was the classic control freak. It used to drive me nuts…literally! My life was filled with disappointments, frustration and stress. I was insufferable to be around. This is a tough thing to admit and it almost cost me everything.

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is to gain control you must learn to give up control. This is one of life’s great paradoxes.

I know for a fact my experience is not unique to me. I see it all the time. More relationships and personal well-beings have been destroyed by the need to be in control. I have seen business owners who have been unable to get out of their own way because of their inability to delegate and let go of things they have no business doing.

We have little to no control of things outside ourselves, but we have 100% control of things inside our self. We have sole control over our inner world. This is where all our attention and intention must be.

How we experience things is up to us.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Let it Go!

Thank God it’s Monday,

It is rare that we go through a typical day and not have negative thoughts or feelings. It is only natural. In fact, negative thoughts have been a part of our DNA since our hunter gather ancestors. However, negative thoughts don’t have to rule you.

Each time you experience negative thoughts you let them become your dominant emotion, which undermines your happiness. You always have the ability to let them go. It’s up to you! Your inner peace is not worth trashing because of some negative feelings.

When you are faced with the choice of pain and anguish, choose happiness. Besides negative thoughts come from fear and uncertainty and are not based on your highest self.

The next time you are faced with a flood of negative feelings just stop and cancel those thoughts. Transcend the doubt by reframing your mind with empowering thoughts that align with your dreams.

Just let it go!

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Change is Good!

Thank God it’s Monday,

If there is one constant in life it is change. Once we learn to embrace this universal truth life becomes magical.

Change for many is like a visit to the Dentist, it is painful and uncomfortable. We resist like a 5-year-old eating broccoli. What we don’t realize is the more we resist change, the harder and more difficult life becomes.

I often hear people say, “I like things just the way they are.” Life is not stagnant. We are either growing or dying. If we really examine our lives everything is changing all the time. Nothing stays the same. Our world is changing at break neck speed. Do you own a cell phone?

Learn to embrace change. Make it your new mantra. Everyday affirm, “change is normal, change is good.” You will begin to see all the possibilities that exist around you.

You will experience less anxiety and uncertainty that occurs with the unknown.

Imagine if Ben and Jerry’s only sold vanilla ice cream? How boring!

Live inspired, live abundant and fulfill your destiny,