All posts by Dr. Jay LaGuardia

Dr. Jay LaGuardia has spent over 20 years teaching, coaching, and training patients and chiropractors alike the keys to a better life. Having built several successful business, and improved the health and quality of life of thousands of patients, Dr. Jay LaGuardia now focuses on helping people from all walks of life to achieve all their hopes and dreams.

Strengthen Your Creation Muscle!

Thank God it’s Monday,

One of the most important lessons I have learned on the path of personal development is to be mindful of the words you use. Thoughts have energy and words are thoughts expressed. The energy from those words create a vibrational tone. Those vibrations resonate out into the universe that will either attract positive or negative experiences.

For those who are skeptical, I challenge you to study the field of Quantum Physics. It has revealed these universal laws. Amazingly, if we can alter and bend atoms with our thoughts, we can alter our reality with our minds. Researched has shown we can change the expression of health with our thoughts.

One of the valuable lessons I was taught early on was, “Want creates more want.” When you want, all you get is more want! Instead, “Give away what you want, to get what you want.” Let me explain.

If you want more courage go encourage someone else. If you would like more love, give your love away freely. If you want more confidence, help someone build their confidence. Want better relationships? Be a better friend, spouse or parent. Want more belief, help others build their belief. Perhaps the most difficult of them all to except is, if you want more money, give money to others. When you allow money to flow through you, you actually increase the attraction of money too you.

Identify what you want the most. Commit to giving that away freely. Do so for the next two weeks and watch what happens. You will never be the same nor will the world around you.

I promise if you adopt this mindset you will ignite the process of creation and alter your perceptions, therefore changing your reality.

Live Inspired, be abundant and fulfill your Destiny,

Strengthen Your Creation Muscle!

Freedom Is Not Free

Thank God it’s Monday,
Benjamin Franklin said, “Freedom is not free.” History has proven him correct. On this Fourth of July, the 240th anniversary of our country’s independence, we are reminded of this everyday.

We are blessed to be Americans. If you have been fortunate to visit other countries, you see why people all around the world want to come here. We have the opportunity to pursue our dreams regardless of race, gender or socioeconomic status. We are certainly are not perfect, but no country has created more wealth or opportunity in the history of the world.

Sure some may have it easier then others, but anything worth accomplishing is worth pursuing.

So many have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. It is our obligation to honor those who have sacrificed by living our highest self, to make our country better by contributing back our time, talents and resources so those who follow us can have the same freedoms we have enjoyed. We need to be good stewards of our freedoms.

Franklin also said, “Freedom requires our eternal vigilance.”

Lets make sure we continue to live our highest values, the values that have made America great. Be proud to be an American. Freedom has been denied to many. Freedom is a privilege many would love to experience. Happy Independence Day!

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Freedom Is Not Free

The 3 Keys to Abundant Health

Thank God it’s Monday,
We focus so much time and energy on getting ahead that sometimes we forget to take care of our vessel. We talk about purpose and vision as the foundation to a meaningful life, but what does it matter if we forget to take care of our bodies? Reaching our goals and experiencing material abundance, while ignoring our physical well-being is a sin, literally!

It has been said, “God’s gift to us is life, our gift to him, is what we do with that life.” In many ways taking care of our bodies is not just good for our health, but it is a measure of our spiritual evolution. Everyday we must nourish our bodies. How we eat, move, and think is vital to the full expression of life. If we ignore any one of these key behaviors, then we gradually experience diminished energy and health. Ultimately leading to sickness and disease. Who wants that?

The formula for sustained health is simple.  Everyday get out and move around. Do something that is fun. Dance around your house…naked if you like. Exercise should not be work.

Eat nourishing whole foods. If it came from a box, bag or can, it is likely devoid of essential nutrients. Not good! Remember, live food for life.

Finally, nourish the mind with empowering thoughts. Read great books. I heard “Change Your Mind, Change your Destiny” is a really good one! Listen to inspiring music and laugh often, but mostly at yourself. Stop taking yourself so seriously. Always surround yourself with people who build up in strong and noble thoughts.

My friend Dr. James Chestnut said it well, “If you eat well, move well, and think well everyday, you will live well.”

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill you destiny,

Eat Well Move Well Think Well

Is It Time To Quit Working?

Thank God it’s Monday,
I want to make a bold suggestion for you, I want you to quit working. Today!! I know this sounds crazy but think about it. Our purpose is not to make a living, but to make a life! Stop working and start creating. If you are driven by the need to survive then you will never thrive as you were intended to do.
The true purpose of life’s journey is to live to our fullest potential. To unlock the power within us that is limitless and has no boundaries. To express our souls’ desires so that we may come to know our highest self. This is our purpose. How we express our purpose is through our life’s work.
At the end of the day do you feel joyfulness and fulfillment from your efforts? If you answered yes, then you are expressing your truest self. If not, then perhaps you may be profiting your bank account but not your soul. This is why so many people feel an emptiness, a void within. Their life lacks meaning and a sense of purpose.
When things aren’t working change everything. Stop working and start expressing the desire of your soul. The funny thing is, when you do, you often find many rewards both personally and financially.


Live Inspired and be abundant,

Is It Time To Quit Working?

It’s All About Forgiveness

Thank God it’s Monday,

One of the most important responsibilities of a coach or mentor is to identify those things that are blocking someone’s growth. There are often many obstacles that prevent us from truly experiencing the greatness that already exists within us. Trust me, the greatness is there, it is God given. We can all learn to tap into it, if we are willing to do the work to unleash our true potential.
A couple of significant blockers are forgiveness and guilt. We all experience these emotions in our lives. Others often use them to manipulate or control us. We then buy into this mindset that somehow we are bad and must be punished for our past transgressions. How many times have you done things out of guilt? Probably more then you are willing to admit. When we allow others to dominate our emotions, we give up our power to them. We do so at the expense of our own personal well-being and happiness. We then become angry and upset. If we allow this pattern to continue we become resentful.
It is impossible to create and manifest our hearts desires in this state of mind. There are only two things that can change this mindset. Gratitude and forgiveness. Today, I want you to focus on forgiveness.
Forgiveness begins by forgiving yourself first. Stop beating yourself up for all the dumb and stupid things you have said and done in your life. Raise your hand if you haven’t done and said stupid things. We all have! Welcome to the human race. We need to get over it. Let it go! It doesn’t serve you in any way. Start by striving to do and be better. Acknowledge that you might have messed up but most importantly forgive yourself. Let go of all the negative emotions. This will allow your heart to be light again. You will be more joyful and experience more love and abundance.
Secondly, forgive others. We already know we are not perfect so why would we hold others to a different standard? Holding resentment towards others has a cost. That cost can be our physical and mental well-being. This also takes a toll on our health and the health of our relationships, a steep price to pay for a lack of forgiveness.
What do you need to forgive yourself for? What have you been holding onto that is eating you up? Identify it, acknowledge it, and let it go now!! Then forgive others. What you give away comes back to you.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

It's All About Forgiveness

Is it time for a vacation?

Thank God it’s Monday,

When was the last time you had time off? I mean legitimate time off. By the way, I don’t mean a long weekend for a seminar or a forced day off because of a holiday, I mean a real vacation.
You’re probably saying to yourself, who has the time or money? Let me inform you that scheduling time off, a real vacation, actually results in more profitability and happiness.
When we have the pedal to the metal attitude we can be very productive but there is a point of diminishing returns. When we don’t have balance in our life, which renews and refreshes our mind and body, we eventually pay a price. Sometimes a steep price. If you feel burned out or mentally fatigued, you are already beyond ready for a vacation. These are symptoms of being out of balance. If we ignore and continue to push without appropriate time off, we will often pay a price with our health and relationships.
I am encouraging you to schedule a vacation this coming year. At least one. They don’t have to be in some exotic location if finances are an issue, although if you can, do it. It could be camping or somewhere local. I would recommend you NOT staying at home. You will not be able to unwind in your same environment. Getting away provides perspective.
Have fun, do something physically challenging, spend time contemplating. Read a new book. Do something that is out of your routine. The purpose is to renew, refresh, recreate and rethink everything. Journal while sitting by a pool or the ocean. Indulge in some things you normally wouldn’t.
Studies show that people who take time off are more productive and have more clarity. You will come back with a renewed vigor and energy. Everyone will notice a refreshed you. You deserve it!
Have an abundant and inspired day,
Is it time for a vacation?

Why Struggling is a Good Thing

I know that most of us view struggle as something that is unpleasant. Lets face it, who wants to experience pain and hardship? What if I told you that struggle is a blessing? Let me explain.

Struggle offers us perspective. Struggle allows us an appreciation of all that is good that exists in our lives. It provides contrast. Cloudy days make us really appreciate the nice days and vice versa. If we come from humble beginnings we will likely be far more appreciative when we experience wealth. Have you ever had a time when you lost your health, only to regain it? How much did you appreciate your health then?
Consider struggle as another word for growth. If you give thanks for the struggles in your life, you will overcome them much more quickly. You will develop a mindset of gratitude by training your brain to see every experience as a blessing. Know that life’s struggles are as much of the human condition as eating and breathing.
Change your perspective, change your reality.
What current struggles are you experiencing that you need to give thanks for? List them and change your energy towards them. You will be amazed how your life changes.
Have an abundant and inspired week,
Stuggles are blessings in disgues

Learn how to build impactful relationships through the art of listening

Thank God it’s Monday,

Have you ever caught yourself while engaged in a conversation with a friend or client thinking about something else? So detached from the conversation that you might as well be on a different planet? We all do it, but I want you to consider the cost of not being present in your relationships. The ability to build strong relationships is perhaps the most essential element to success.

When you are engaged with people in conversation, you owe them your full attention. In fact, you must give all of yourself in order to expect full engagement in return. We must show respect to get respect.

Becoming a good listener is a skill, like playing the piano or learning how to dance or write. Start by creating eye contact. It is said, the eyes are the windows to the soul. When you connect through eye contact it will result in a greater level of trust and rapport.

Next listen to hear not to respond. We all do this. In our minds we are formulating a response to what is being said. When we do this, our ability to understand WHAT is being said is greatly diminished. Isn’t the purpose of communication to understand what is being said? Start by hearing what is being said. Next, repeat it back to the person to confirm what you heard was accurate. Then respond. Watch their reaction…you will be amazed!

Finally, your posture speaks volumes about you. It provides signals to the person in front of you whether you are accepting or rejecting what they are saying. If your arms and legs are crossed and your shoulders are slouched, you are providing signals that you are not buying what they are selling. Be conscious of your posture. Work on keeping your facial expressions neutral and your posture strong and powerful but not intimidating. Be mindful of the unspoken messages you are sending.

Our ability to communicate impacts every area of our lives. We can have much better relationships with our spouses, children, coworkers, friends, etc. If you are willing to learn these skills with regular practice, I promise you will see your life radically transform. You will experience more health, more wealth and better relationships. The level of trust and respect in your life will never be higher.

Quality of your life is directly related to the quality of your relationships.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Learn how to build impactful relationships through the art of listening

Alter Ego

Thank God it’s Monday,

It is my opinion we all have the capacity for greatness. Our greatness is revealed when we are expressing our infinite potential. When we live in the presence of love, abundance and gratitude we are able to manifest anything we desire. I also believe we have an alter ego (AE). This alter ego is the side of us that undermines our greatness. This is the voice of fear, uncertainty and doubt.

This voice (AE) is always the loudest when we are about to challenge ourselves and push ourselves to new heights. It is born out of our subconscious mind. It provides the reasons why we can’t succeed. Even though it is not based in truth or reality. Welcome to self-sabotage.

We do not have to allow our future to become our past.

The beauty about this journey called life, is we can leave the past where it belongs……….in the past! Choose a new reality by changing your thoughts. When we change our thoughts our brain fires and wires differently. Therefore we are creating new neural pathways. If this is done repeatedly, it will literally create a new you. This is called the “Law of Repetition”. Then over time, what we think about we bring about. Now you understand the “Law of Association”

The hardest part of change is not making the same decisions today as yesterday.

It’s time to let go of your alter ego. It does not serve you on your path to greatness.

Have an abundant and inspire week,


Alter Ego

“Change Your Mind Change Your Destiny”

The day is finally here! The book has been released!

Click on the image of the book below to find it on Amazon!


“Change Your Mind Change Your Destiny” is a journey to the subconscious mind to help you examine why you think and act the way you do. This book will provide you, the reader, the tools necessary to unlock your full innate human potential.
If you no longer want your future to be your past, then start by changing your mind.
Most people get how a poor diet and a lack of movement affects their health but few realize the impact of toxic thoughts on their well-being.
The 8 habits in this book are designed to provide the road map to change your destiny. This book is a simple “how to” with easy to apply action steps no matter the age or ability.
The hardest part of change is not making the same choices today as you did yesterday.