Thank God it’s Monday,

Thank God it’s Monday,
Thank God it’s Monday,
I used to begin these Monday Morning Motivational blogs by greeting you with “Happy Monday” and now I greet you with “Thank God it’s Monday”; not because these are lines I just throw out there, but because these salutations are meant to invoke emotion and energy. My hope is that it will help reframe the emotional state you are currently experiencing.
Lets not forget we have the freedom to choose our emotions, so why would we choose any emotion other than happiness? Unfortunately at times we don’t choose to be happy. As humans we are conditioned to enjoy experiencing pain to some degree. If this weren’t the case we would always choose happiness as our emotion.
I challenge you to be mindful of your emotions this week. When you are feeling low tone emotions like fear, anxiety, frustration, and anger make a conscious choice to change your emotion immediately. Why not choose happiness?
Our personality creates our personal reality.
Start by expressing gratitude. Being grateful for things in your life, good or bad, will change your perceptions.
An important fact is, thoughts become our attitudes, attitudes become our behaviors, behaviors turn into habits, and habits become our perceptions.
When you consciously reframe your thoughts and choose happiness your perceptions of your environment change. This makes for a more enjoyable human experience. Try it. What do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing. You will become a role model while leading those around you.
This process is known as conscious living. Imagine if we practiced this regularly, how different would our life be? I promise if you adopt this habit everything in your life will change. “Be the change you want to see.”
Have an abundant and inspired week,
Thank God it’s Monday,
What is the role of the Chiropractor? There are many different ideas and concepts but I would suggest the primary roles are to lead, educate and inspire. We need to tell the truth about where health comes from, how we lose our health, how to regain it, and then how maintain our health and vitality for the full expression of life.
Once you tell the story, all future decisions are based on the desired outcomes of the patient. The goals need to be agreed too mutually. Is it our job to hold people accountable to those goals? Yes, as long as their goals remain unchanged. We should never motivate them through fear or guilt because doing so never ends well.
As you can see there are many aspects to the doctor-patient relationship, a lot of potential roles to play. Unfortunately, all these roles require a lot of energy. Trying to make people do things that they really would prefer to avoid, is tough work. Is it any wonder why we are exhausted at the end of the day?
When you spend so much time invested in the decisions and outcomes of others, it is easy to loose your way. This is a recipe for professional burnout. This is the number one reason Chiropractors get disconnected from their passion.
No one wins with this practice style. Patients feel guilty and ashamed for letting you down; we wonder why we have such a large amount of inactive files. Investing so much of your energy in outcomes that you can’t control, will never result in the practice you deserve.
Here are the solutions. Let it go. Let go of the need to control the outcomes. Tell people the truth about their health. Do not use guilt and fear to motivate but be honest of the consequences of decisions. Honor and respect your patients to make decisions that best reflect their value system. You and your patients will enjoy this style of practice.
To change what we have requires us to think and act differently then we currently do.
Have an abundant and inspired week,
Thank God it’s Monday,
Do you know people who always seem to take offense to every little thing?
By the way, a very important fact; “Being offended is a choice, it’s a consciousness.”
Welcome to today’s society. Why is it that the most self-proclaimed tolerant individuals are usually the least tolerant? They demand tolerance on issues that are important to them however they to fail share that same tolerance with those they disagree with. Their intention is to shut down dialogue and conversation by proclaiming offense, which causes them to go on the defense. This is a sign of intellectual weakness, an inability to logically defend their position free of emotion.
Welcome to the grievance hustlers.
This is a dangerous trend in our country. When we lose the ability to have a fair and open-minded debate to express differences of opinions, we lose the opportunity to solve very serious problems. This leads to divisiveness, an erosion of values.
Our current leadership are masters at this. They divide people by race, gender, culture, socioeconomic status, class, geography, etc. Then they sell us on a solution. Their power is built on divisiveness.
Why am I writing about a national topic that is not very inspiring? We need to become aware of what is taking place. We must not fall prey to this well organized, destructive and undermining tactic. We must never engage these people emotionally. It is a “no win” situation. They are looking for confrontation.
These people will pull you down in every way. Avoid their negativity. Eliminate these energy vampires from your life. They are toxic and bad for your health. You will be happy you did.
Have abundant and inspired week,
Thank God it’s Monday,
The best way to succeed is to help others achieve their goals.
Napoleon Hill has spoke to this fact and time has proven him correct. Nothing will ensure your success like assisting others to achieve their success. It doesn’t matter what it is. It could be advising a friend to regain their health or mentoring a young adult what it takes to achieve success. There are plenty of opportunities to share your gifts and talents. It is our job to look for these opportunities.
I bet there is someone who could use your help or support today. Challenge yourself to give from your abbundance to help make someone else’s life better. While doing so, give them all the credit. Remember what goes around, comes around.
Have an abundant and inspired week,
Thank God it’s Monday,
I recently read the book, “The Secrets of the Rockefeller Habits” by Vern Harnish.
This book is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the habits of a successful business. One important tip is to have daily huddles with your team. Sound familiar? The Author informs us daily huddles re-engage each team member with the organization’s core values and core focus. The daily huddle reviews the organizations goals and tracts its progress. It prepares the team to serve the needs of its clients and anticipate the days challenges.
This book is an easy read full of invaluable tools and information to help you create a world-class organization. Here are a few of his rules to learn and follow.
Rule #1:
• Create products/services people can’t live without and are habit forming
• Crank up the new tools of sales and marketing to let the right people know
• Design lean processes to execute on all the revenue you’re generating
• Learn from other highly successful people how to do all the above
Rule #2:
• Create a business model driven by recurring revenues (highest valued firms)
• Bring together a brilliant team (that keeps getting smarter)
• Craft a viral story that attracts the right percentage of the market
• Execute, execute, execute
• You can, and should, succeed with both to maximize profits and sales.
Have an abundant and inspired day,
Thank God it’s Monday,
One of the most undermining human behaviors is procrastination. The inability to start or to take action on the tasks that are likely to yield great results in your life is by definition, procrastination. So why do we struggle with procrastination? Do we enjoy suffering and struggling? When we procrastinate, that is what we experience.
Everyone one experiences procrastination to some degree.
As humans, we often avoid things that are likely to cause us pain. This is a good thing if it prevents us from getting hurt, but not so much if it is going to have a negative impact on our lives. If a task is going to require us to get uncomfortable and put us in a vulnerable position, we will procrastinate. Most of the time, we will look at the list of things we need to do and tackle the easiest of tasks first. We then use the excuse, “I was to busy to get to it.” When in reality, we purposely chose to avoid what was going to make us uncomfortable.
A recent Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article pointed out that we do this in every aspect of our society. Even our leaders are procrastinating doing what is required to protect our very future as a country in the face of catastrophic financial ruin. Why is it that everyone knows that the amount of the national debt is unsustainable and eventually will lead to a lot of pain for our country (SEE GREECE) and yet no one has the courage to do anything about it? This is the path our country is on.
Even though we can’t do anything about our national debt we certainly can control our world. Here are some of the suggestions that were made in the WSJ article to avoid procrastination.
Here are some of my favorites, as published by the WSJ:
• Break a long-term project down into specific sub-goals. State the exact start time and how long you plan to work on the task. (not just “tomorrow”, be more specific)
• Just get started. It isn’t necessary to write a long list of tasks, or each intermediate step.
• Remind yourself that finishing the task now, helps you in the future. Putting off the task won’t make it more enjoyable.
• Reward yourself not only for completing the entire project but also the sub-goals.
I would also add, avoiding procrastination requires you to have clearly defined goals, a passion, and a desire to grow and not be ok with mediocrity. You need leverage on yourself. Why do you want to accomplish your goal? Whose life will be improved and why? Does this fulfill your purpose? Is your cause greater then yourself? You also need an accountability partner who will be there to offer support.
Get started today. Put your most important task at the top. Do it first thing in the morning. Once completed, it will increase your self-worth and increase your “can do” attitude. Do this daily and soon procrastination will never dominate your life.
Have an abundant and inspired week,
Thank God it’s Monday,
A common limiting belief that can undermine a practice is, “If people like me, I will have a successful practice”.
The fact is, there is a distinct difference between being liked and being respected. Don’t get me wrong, having social skills and personal qualities that are endearing are always important when it comes to building relationships. However, not at the expense of compromising your beliefs or integrity.
When faced with the choice of telling a patient the truth about their health, it is not uncommon for us to make recommendations which we know will be accepted. If you find yourself doing so, you have a need to be liked. The problem with that is you will never garner the respect necessary to build a successful practice.
When you are straight with people, you will find greater success. You will be seen as someone who has an unwavering belief system. You will exhibit a certainty that creates a confidence, which will be felt by the patient. This results in you becoming a trusted leader and health advisor. People will then begin to flock to you.
So the question that begs to be asked, “Is it better to be liked or respected?” With a doubt the latter.
If you are a follower of politics, it is clear that trust is more important than likability. When people don’t trust you, they will never follow you even if they like you. Let go of the need to be liked and become a purveyor of truth.
Have an abundant and inspired week,
Thank God it’s Monday,
I recently had the pleasure to listen to Lou Holtz, former Notre Dame football coach. He was talking about leadership. He touched on the 4 basic needs that everyone within an organization needs to feel safe and happy.
1. Something to do.
2. Someone to love.
3. Something to hope for.
4. Something to believe in.
When you think about it, these are the core needs for everyone to experience fulfillment. It is no different for organizations. There must be a core belief system in place that guides every organization in order to be successful. These core beliefs attract the right employees, defines your brand, and creates your tribe or following.
When a team or organization has a passion (love) for who they are and what they believe in, it creates a purpose bigger than our own. This results in a clear action plan (The do) to see that the organization’s purpose becomes reality. A strong purpose will overcome any obstacle allowing us to reframe challenges as opportunities to learn from and become even stronger. Therefore, hope is the dominate emotion and energy.
Now is a great time to take stock and evaluate the current state of your practice or organization. Does your organization have a clearly defined purpose? Can everyone in your organization articulate the purpose? Are they in love with Chiropractic/your business? Are your daily activities consistent with your purpose or are you constantly putting out fires? Constantly putting out fires, is symptom of a practice out of purpose. Finally, is your culture one of hope and excitement for the future of chiropractic and your business.
If you answered negatively to any of these questions, it is time for a reboot. Lets begin by looking at this together so you can move forward in 2016.
You were born to be great. You invested a lot of time and money to make a difference in your communities and the world. You can’t lack these 4 essential needs if you are to maximize your return on that investment. Lets make sure you are prepared to make this a reality.
Have an abundant and inspired week,
Thank God it’s Monday,
Please consider this commonly held myth within Chiropractic. “If people knew what you knew, they would do what you do.”
This belief often traps Doctors into a belief system that people within your community just need to be educated on Chiropractic and they will come running to your office. Does that mean all we need to do are more lectures and screenings? Well, if you have been in practice for any length of time you know that a plethora of dead files of folks who were once educated on the benefits of care fill a large room in your office.
So, where are they? Why do you still have a need for new patients? See what I mean?
The fact is, patients don’t always follow your advice. That’s ok. Not everyone is ready from the get-go to radically change their lifestyle. Everything you told them made perfect sense but change is hard. That is why it is critical to meet your patients where they are at. Honor and respect their decisions and don’t make them wrong if you feel they have not accepted your recommendations.
Continue to love them. Keep in regular contact with them by providing them with a constant stream of health and wellness info that will further their paradigm shift. Eventually some will get it, but some will never get it. That’s ok. Serve without judgment. Make your office a safe zone that respects the decisions of everyone. They are more likely to return at a later date.
This will reduce your stress and disappointment. Patients will no longer avoid you when you see them around town. You both will finally be free.
Have an abundant and inspired week,