Be Kind with Your Words

Thank God It’s Monday,

We live in a world now that provides everyone with a platform to express themselves openly and freely. There are a multitude of opportunities to engage with those who disagree with us. Unfortunately, far too often the way we communicate is using volatile and incendiary words. If someone doesn’t agree with us we feel the need to attack them.

If we can learn to be kind and respectful with those who differ with us, we can have much greater influence. When we attack others it results in that person becoming defensive. Feelings become hurt and dialogue shuts down. How does this serve them or us?

We have to avoid falling into the trap of our current culture. We are better than that. When faced with a disagreement ask yourself, how would I feel? What can I learn from their point of view? How can I make my point without becoming emotional?

It is said that those who become emotional lack the intellectual capacity to engage in conversation based on fact and logic.

If you want to experience great relationships, be influential and have less stress then be the kindest person you know.

Would you rather be right or kind? Is it more important to win an argument or lose a friend?

Think about the most successful people you know. I guarantee they are great communicators that speak kindly.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

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