Becoming a Goal Slayer

Thank God its Monday,

My greatest frustration as a coach and mentor is to see people give up pursuing their goals when they are so close to the finish line. There is one simple reason; we lose focus of our WHY.

The father of personal development Jim Rohn once said, “When our WHY becomes strong enough the how get easy.” The reason people fail to accomplish their goals is a lack of a clearly defined WHY.

When we set goals without defining the WHY behind the how we lack the driving force to help us overcome the obstacles and challenges that are inevitable on your journey.

The WHY is your leverage. When you begin to doubt yourself and the likelihood of success your WHY will remind you why you set the goal in the first place.

Your WHY should move you emotionally. It should align with your values and purpose. You should be able to visualize your outcome in vivid detail using all your senses. There shouldn’t be any doubt of your success.

Before setting goals for 2017 define your WHY using the process previously described. Be detailed and specific. Have an emotional connection to the outcome and move forward with a confidence and certainty of your results.

You can become a goal slayer in 2017.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,


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