Is it better to be right or kind?

Thanks God it’s Monday,

We live in very tumultuous times. There appears to be conflict everywhere you turn. People are yelling and screaming at each other, as if that is going to solve anything. We have seen a real erosion of respectful public discourse.

There is plenty of blame to go around but that is not what I would like to focus on. Today I want to examine how we can change our immediate world. How we can become role models and lead those around us.

Every person believes his or her point of view is valid and correct. Persuading someone to consider a different position is difficult and often times impossible. Often the best argument you can make is no argument at all.

To begin, with if there is a lack mutual respect and kindness there is no possibility of finding common ground, therefore arguing becomes pointless and a complete waste of time.

The universal law of reciprocity states we must first give away what we want to attract. If we want to be heard, we must listen first. If you want to be respected, show respect. If you want to be understood, listen to understand. If you want a calm and unemotional experience, then remain calm yourself.

If we keep in mind of the above lessons, then we will always walk away with a positive experience knowing that we exemplified the qualities of a person in control of their thoughts and emotions.

Should you find yourself in a situation quickly spiraling out of control remember this incredibly important rule. “It is better to be kind than right.” You will at least leave the situation with your dignity and the relationship still intact.

Live Inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

It is better to be kind than right

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