What we can learn from Tom Brady

Thank God it’s Monday,

I was recently watching an interview with Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady. The interviewer asked him how he was able to overcome an interception that nearly cost his team a game, to eventually lead his team to a victory.

He said, “I never focus on the last play, it is over and I can’t do anything about it. My focus is on the things I can control like the next play. I can get down on myself and effect my team or I can let it go and focus on how I can help my team get a win.” This is a simple, but powerful lesson.

How often do we remain fixated on the bad things that happen in life? We lament on the negative experiences for what seems like forever. Is it possible to adopt the same mindset of a 4-time Super Bowl champion? Why not!

The next time you experience one of life’s inevitable set backs, determine how long you will give yourself before you decide to move forward. An hour, a day, a week? You get to decide. The quicker you let go of the disappointment the quicker you can move your life forward. It is ok to feel the pain; it is not ok to let it define you.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

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