Category Archives: Dr. Jay LaGuardia Blog

Free Yourself of Fear!

Do you experience constant stress and anxiety? Are you sick and tired of fear sabotaging your dreams?  

The perfection of NOW has never been more evident. We live in a world that spends an inordinate amount of time focusing on the past and fretting about the future.

Both are an exercise in futility. 

When we give our energy to things that we can’t change and events yet to be experienced, we are living a consciousness of fear. You can’t create your best life when fear is our most dominate thought.

Forget about your past, it no longer exists accept in your memory. It can only impact your future if you let it, therefore don’t worry about tomorrow and what is yet to come. It is in the NOW where we shape our destiny. This is the power of conscious living.

It starts by making gratitude your most dominate emotion.

Gratitude will shift your focus that will unlock the power of creation. When you feel the familiar pangs of fear ask yourself, “Am I focused on what’s currently good in my life?” Reframe your mind to identify the good that exists in your life. Believe me, even in the most dire of conditions there are things to be thankful for. Adopting a gratitude mindset will rewire the brain to see and focus only the good things. 

The mind cannot process conflicting emotions simultaneously. Another words, if you’re in gratitude you can’t be feeling fear. It’s impossible! Once you understand that you get to choose which emotions you want to experience, you’ve unleashed the power of intentional living. 

When you change your thoughts and therefore your feelings, you change your destiny.

EmPower Your Dreams, Ignite Your Passion, Accelerate Your Prosperity,

Do you have what it takes to be a Leader?

Do you have what it takes to be a leader? To overcome great odds, to be calm when the world around you is falling apart and instill confidence in others that you’re the right person to lead?

Leadership is not for the faint of heart, but everyone has the capability to be a leader. Leadership is not inherent. Leadership is learned skills that can be improved upon over time. You look at any successful company or organization and I can guarantee you they have strong leadership. Leadership is responsible for the culture of a company.

Leadership and culture go together like peanut butter and jelly. A lack of strong leadership will ALWAYS result in a weak or toxic culture.

Business icon Peter Drucker once said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” I challenge you to Google culture; you will see thousands of articles that confirm Druckers’ statement.

Whether you are a business owner or an employee we are all impacted by our work culture, good or bad. You can thank the leadership.

All success in business is leadership driven. If leadership is not committed to creating the right work environment you have no shot. There have been many articles written about what successful leadership looks like, but for this blog I want to boil it down to the 7 C’s. The 7 are as follows: clarity, certainty, commitment, communication, confidence, compassion and calmness. Lets examine each of these characteristics.

1. Clarity is all about knowing who you are, what you are about and where are you going. People will follow leaders who can articulate their vision and do so with enthusiasm and passion. They get everyone around them excited for the journey, therefore making leaderships’ vision the vision of the organization.

2. Certainty creates a belief system that nothing is impossible, that the outcome is never in doubt. Certainty is not just the words you use, but it is also how you carry yourself and it’s an attitude.

3. Commitment creates an organizational mind-set to never give up or give in, even in the face of great adversity. Without commitment there are no results. There are reasons or results. Pick one. You can’t have both.

4. Communication is an essential ingredient to strong leadership. People want to hear from their leaders regularly. They want to be spoken to in clear and honest language. They want to know if they are doing their jobs effectively or not. They need to be acknowledged when they are doing good work. Also, praise the behavior you want.

5. Confidence breeds confidence. When leadership exhibits confidence in their team the team is far more likely to rise to the occasion. This is expectation management. What you put out you get back.

6. Compassion shows that you care. It’s when the organizational leaders authentically take an interest in the needs of their people, not just professionally, but personally. When a leader takes the time to learn the names of an employee’s children, their interests and hobbies or struggles and concerns it will humanize the leader making them more relatable. Employees will run through a wall for a leader who exhibits a genuine concern for their people. When you care, they care.

7. Calmness shows a measured approach. No one likes a tyrannical leader who flies off the handle. One of the great examples of calm leadership occurred on 9/11/2001. New York’s Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was lauded in the face of great uncertainty because he remained calm on the outside when on the inside he was very fearful of what would happen next. The fact that he remained calm gave his people the confidence they could to overcome and persevere through this tragic event.

We have determined that leadership is the foundation of a successful culture. To transform your culture requires intentional leadership that is strong in each of the 7 C’s. If you are in a position of leadership within your organization, evaluate your leadership skills in each of these areas. On a scale of 0-10 rate yourself? If you rate an 8 or below in any of these areas, what steps do you need to take to strengthen your skills?

If you are an employee, share this blog with your manager and encourage them to present these concepts with the leadership team. If they are unwilling to look at ways to improve the culture at work, it might be time to find a new employer. Studies have shown that a toxic culture leads to higher employee turnover, decreased production, significantly reduced employee job satisfaction and higher employee sick-care costs.

In today’s tight labor market, it is too important and costly to not get this right.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

When all else Fails…Simplify!

Is your life out of control? Do you constantly feel overwhelmed and stressed out? Then you should conside simplifying! I know your thinking… “simplify, you must be out of your mind?” And you’re absolutely right. So lets take a few minutes to explore what can be a life changing blog.

Have you ever heard someone say, “life is crazy busy”? I know you have. Almost everyone you ask how they are doing, will say so. It is like a badge of honor, but what that tells me is life is spinning out of control and they are stressed out of their mind. Why do we do this to ourselves? We have no one to blame, but ourselves.

Our days can be very busy and full of activities such as, taking care of the home or yard, shuffling the kids to their activities, paying bills, projects at work, not to mention getting in a workout, just to name a few. No wonder we feel that life has become this perpetual rat race. This cycle of craziness leads to fatigue, low energy, frustration, unhappiness and potentially depression and anxiety. 

Consider the fact that antidepressant prescriptions have increased by 65% over the past fifteen years and 2 in every 10 Americans are taking these medications! These numbers are even worse for kids with over 800% increase this past decade! So what gives? Is there a sudden flaw in our genes causing a massive change to our brain chemistry? Not even close! In fact our genes have not change at all in nearly 40 thousands years. This is where you need to consider something different. 

Human beings are dopamine-seeking missiles. Dopamine is the brain chemical along with others that is produced when we exercise, eat chocolate, drink alcohol, have sex or any other behavior we do that feels good. We like the feeling dopamine produces, but if you’re not careful (especially for addictive personalities) it can be destructive. So how do we naturally tap into our dopamine? It starts by asking one simple question before each task, “what do I want to experience and how do I want to feel?” Even though there are times when we must take on tasks that perhaps aren’t our favorite things to do, we can choose to find the joy and fulfillment if we are willing to seek it. This is what being mindful means, intentionally choosing the emotions you want to experience. For me it is always joy.

Then we need to consider the tasks we take on. Ask yourself, “does this task move me closer or further away to my goals?” If your answer is further away, you still have choices. You can delegate, outsource or choose not to do the task. If you don’t like cleaning the house and wasting 4 hours on a Saturday then outsource and hire a service. If you don’t enjoy cutting the grass then delegate to it the kids. I promise they won’t melt and they will learn valuable lessons. And some things are just not worth doing at the sake of your own happiness. I can’t tell you what those things are or what category they fall in, you must decide that. However, you can decide to have very different experiences than the ones you are having. It’s always a CHOICE.

Live inspired, be abundant, and fulfill your destiny,

Want to fix your relationships or get that promotion?

There is one thing you can do immediately to improve all areas of your life. Don’t miss this!

Has this ever happened to you? You’re having a conversation with a friend or co-worker or perhaps even your spouse, and you find that your attention is waning to something other than the person in front of you. You’re wondering… did I close the garage door or what flavor of coffee should I drink today or I think I will repaint my bedroom this weekend. Sound familiar?

You are so detached from the conversation that you might as well be on a different planet. We all experience this at times; however consider what the cost is by not being present in your relationships. At the least it causes misunderstandings, but at the worst it fractures and destroys relationships and lost opportunities. Your ability to build strong and meaningful relationships is perhaps the most essential and important element to a happy and successful life.

When we are engaged in conversation we owe that person our full attention. No brainer…right? In fact we should give our full attention first before we should expect the same in return. We must show respect to get respect. Check out these best practices for improving listening skills.

4 Easy Steps to be a Good Listener:

  • Use your eyes to develop trust
  • Listen to hear, not to respond
  • Repeat back what you hear to confirm understanding
  • Observe your posture


Becoming a good listener is a skill just like playing the piano or learning how to dance or write. Start by creating eye contact. It is said the eyes are the windows to the soul. Nothing says, “I’m here. I’m listening and you have my full attention.” like holding eye contact.

Next listen to hear, not to respond. Don’t be formulating your response before the person speaking has finished. Resist this temptation. When we do this our ability to understand fully WHAT is being said is greatly diminished. Isn’t the purpose of communication to first understand fully the other person’s position? Start by hearing what is being said and then repeat it back to the person to confirm what you heard was accurate. Lastly, respond. Watch their reaction………they will be amazed!

Finally your posture speaks volumes about your level of interest. It signals to the person in front of you whether you are accepting or rejecting what they are saying. Most of this level of communication occurs subconsciously. They are picking up our nonverbal cue’s, which speaks volumes about our level of engagement. If your arms and legs are crossed and your shoulders are slouched you’re providing signals that you are not buying what they are selling. Be conscious of your posture. Work on keeping your facial expressions neutral and your posture strong and powerful, but not intimidating. Be mindful of the unspoken messages you’re sending.

Our ability to communicate impacts every area of our lives. So much of the stress and discord that occurs is due to poor listening skills. When we feel like we are not being heard we become angry and frustrated. We feel like we are unimportant and disrespected. Applying these listening skills can change all of that.

Want to improve relationships with your spouse, children, coworkers and friends? Do you want to be recognized at work or close that big deal? Then start applying these skills today! With regular practice I promise you will see your life radically transform for the better.

“The quality of your life is directly related to the quality of your relationships.”

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Disconnecting Means Reconnecting

Can you imagine what your world would look like if you were without your cell phone, ipad or tablet for an hour or day? What about a week?  I know the mere thought causes you to break out in a cold sweat and makes you want to vomit. Do you know that technology addiction is a real affliction, which causes anxiety, depression and attention deficit? I guess the pharmaceutical companies are ecstatic.

A 2016 study done by Common Sense Media found that 27% of adults and 50% of teens feel addicted to technology. Now mind you, this is their perception, the real numbers are likely to be much higher. The ironic thing is you are likely reading this on your device…but I digress!

The unrealized toll is enormous; consider work and school performance, building healthy relationships, intimacy and social skills. The list is truly endless. For the purpose of this blog I want to focus on the effect technology is having at work and home.

Technology has made doing business more convenient in today’s corporate world, however that convenience is exacting a toll emotionally and physically on employees. Without question this issue is undermining a healthy work/life balance. This is never more evident than in a recent study from American Institute of Stress, which found that 54% of employees are experiencing high levels of stress. Consider the impact on employee’s health and the cost of diminished productivity.

The advantage of modern technology is it allows us immediate and timely responses and the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world. Paradoxically it also means we are always connected and accessible. The answer to this problem is establishing healthy boundaries so you can unplug and disconnect while also prioritizing your life outside of work.

1. Eliminate the distractions!
When we are at work or at home with family, we should be fully present. That requires us to be disciplined with our technology. A recent study has shown that millennials check their cell phones 157 times/day. This doesn’t mean that distractions are unique to the millennial generation, however is there any wonder why 36% of workers are highly disengaged costing companies $350 billion in lost production annually?
We have to get comfortable with turning our technology off. When we are fully engaged on a project at work and become distracted, it takes 23 minutes to get reengaged at the same level as before, so eliminate the temptation. Doesn’t our families deserve our full attention when we are home? How many times have you been out to dinner and noticed a family of four all on their phones? Perhaps this is you! We are losing the art of communication. The problem is, we have been conditioned to the “ding” and like Pavlov’s dog, our technology controls us.

2. Not everything is an emergency!
Just because our phone “dings” or a notification shows up on our computer indicating we have a new email, doesn’t mean we need to respond. Emergencies fortunately rarely happen and when they do, I can assure that you will know. Schedule times throughout the day to respond to emails, texts and voice mails. If your work allows you, no more than three times per day. You will experience a sense of freedom as well as less stress. It reminds me about the time we took our youngest daughter to Europe. We did not have cell service the entire trip. At the end of the vacation she indicated how much she enjoyed being disconnected. We enjoyed having intentional raw conversations. Remember it is only the last 20 years that our lives have been so dominated by technology.

3. Find a hobby!
Finding more work/life balance is also about reconnecting with things we are passionate about. Try replacing technology with a hobby. When we are enjoying any variety of activities, we naturally disconnect. You could join a book club, a cycling club, go hiking or how about donating your time to an animal shelter. The options are endless.

We need to put technology in its place. It is without a doubt a positive thing when used for good and when we don’t allow it to control our lives. Reengage in the world around you. Become aware of your surroundings. Be committed to being a great communicator. Get reconnected to your passions and enjoy life once again. Disconnecting means reconnecting.

Live Inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

The Best Part of the Journey

Can I help you achieve your biggest goals? It is so much fun and incredibly rewarding.

Reaching goals is a significant milestone for people. It’s the foundation to building a strong self-confidence and self-worth. Setting goals is the easy part, accomplishing goals requires a lot of hard work. I want to share with you a key personal characteristic or value most successful people exhibit. This value has played an important role on my journey and it needs to be shared so you can tap into its immense power. 

What I am talking about is humility.

Humility requires you to set aside your ego. Being humble gets your head out of the way so your heart can lead. Our ego often gets in the way of success because it clouds our judgment and it brings up past experiences in which we have experienced failure. This creates fear and doubt, which in turn paralyzes us. Ego will also create a false sense of bravado, which comes from low self-esteem. Humility helps you overcome these obstacles and allows you to step outside yourself and seek help.

Far too frequently we are unwilling to ask for help because we believe it is a sign of weakness. When in fact it is just the opposite. Asking for help and/or admitting you don’t have all the answers is an important step to growth. 

I have been studying success for a long time and I have learned a common trait shared amongst the most successful people. It is a willingness to reach out for help. They understand that leveraging knowledge and experience from someone who has already scaled the mountain is essential for growth and future success. This can be a mentor, friend, coworker or coach. This is a crucial step to achieving goals. Studies have shown it can increase your rate of success by 50%. So why go at it alone?

When you are setting a goal, stop and ask yourself whom can I ask for help? Who has already had success in this area? The funny thing is, most people are willing to help. Why? Because it’s likely their success was in part due to the help they received. The ability to now pay it forward helps complete the circle.

The best part of the journey of life is to help others achieve their goals. There are few things better in life than to have a part in helping someone else succeed. When we experience success and have learned valuable lessons we feel obligated to offer our knowledge and help. This is a universal truth, “what goes around comes around.” Now you’ve allowed me to help you… thank you!

Live Inspired, be abundant, and fulfill your destiny, 

Why don’t you eat your Broccoli?

How come kids don’t eat broccoli? Well maybe because it’s green, smells funny and it looks like a small tree. I suggest most kids won’t eat broccoli due to the fear it will taste bad. It’s funny how quickly we learn fear. That’s right…fear is a learned emotion in which we spend the rest of our lives attempting to overcome our fears.

What opportunities, dreams or ambitions have you let slip through your hands because you allowed fear to stop you in your tracks? Imagine where your life might be if you acted differently (maybe you’d like broccoli) or if you stopped undermining your success by minimizing expectations? 

Thinking small comes from doubt and uncertainty. We unconsciously minimize our expectations for many reasons. The biggest of all is FEAR.

– The fear of failure or disappointment.

– The fear of change.

– The fear of worthiness.

– The fear of humiliation or shame.

– The fear of loss.

Each of these categories will be addressed in depth in further blogs, however for today’s discussion lets focus on fear in general.

If you have read much of my content you know that overcoming fear is essential to unlocking your full potential. Tapping into your in greatness requires letting go of your fears and taking action. What awards or accolades have ever been given for playing small?

Especially in today’s world, those who dare to be bold achieve success. Success is achieved by those who are willing to step outside their comfort zone. Those who have dared to be great at some point have experienced fear. The difference in those who have achieved success is they didn’t allow their fears to define them. They embraced their fears and took action anyway. Most of our fears are not rooted in reality, but are based in false assumptions, irrational thoughts and previous experiences that have very little relevance in the person you have become. 

Action is the elixir to fear and doubt. Overcome your uncertainty by taking a step forward. With each step you will build self-confidence, which will quiet the voice within.

Ask yourself this question… “where am I playing small in life?” Stop and think hard about this. Then ask yourself, “Why? How does this serve me or humanity?” Embrace your fear and take action. It is time to unleash your inner greatness. Our time on this planet is finite, we each need to step up and claim our greatness and leave our world a better place.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Can you be too healthy?

According to Medi-Share, YES!! 

Recently I posted on Facebook a story that received massive attention. The reason is because it affects every man, woman and child. Allow me to share my experience.

I recently went online to submit my annual wellness application to Medi-Share. It was one of the reasons I selected them as our health plan a few years ago. They incentivize people who choose to live a healthy lifestyle.

Now mind you, my wife Pam and I have qualified the previous two years.

Based on the health goals I set for myself this year, I have really cleaned up my diet more than ever which resulted in becoming leaner and stronger than ever before. So lets fast-forward…I completed their form and I was denied. These are my stats… I have a Body Percent Fat of 8.4%, Blood Pressure of 108/66 and I workout everyday and have what most would consider a super clean diet. Not to mention regular chiropractic care and I work on my PMA daily. And for those who don’t know, I am a licensed Chiropractor for 28 yrs. and I am board certified in wellness and nutrition.

So I called Medi-Share to question their decision and they informed me I am too lean! What?! They said my BPF for my age (54) should be between 11-25%. I asked what science supports this bull****? I inquired who is setting these wellness standards and I asked them to provide me a copy of the science that supports this nonsense. I said I would be willing to provide them with the most recent research that is counter to their position. Surprisingly, they declined!

This is the absurdity that exists in todays so called healthcare system. The myths and junk science in today’s health marketplace is astounding, which enslaves people to a life of sickness and disease. They perpetuate the same outdated belief systems and behaviors that are robbing people from expressing their true human potential. These outdated beliefs continues to allow Big Pharma and the food industry to profit massively at the expense of record high rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other lifestyle diseases.

I have dedicated more than 30 years of my life to the study and the practical application of how to live a healthy lifestyle. Let me let you in on a little secret… your health is based on your lifestyle and choices, not your genes. How we choose to live will cause our genes to either express sickness or health. According to a study from the AMA, 94% of all diseases are lifestyle related.

Do not be fooled by a “sick care” system that has little incentive in your well-being. Empower yourself by getting informed and educating yourself, while questioning everything. Please understand only you are responsible for your health, NOT your doctor or your “sick care” insurance company.

Don’t except the crap that is being peddled and together we can disrupt a failed system and force the change that is necessary. Never relent. Never let them silence you. Never stop fighting! 

Live inspired, be abundant, and fulfill your destiny,

Do You Really Know the Real You?

If you take a moment to observe your environment you will probably notice all the craziness that exists. You will see people racing around a million miles per hour attempting to fit 20 oz. in an 18 oz. glass. Perhaps this is a reflection of your own life? I understand that life can be overwhelming while trying to balance taking care of a home, kids, spouse, job and if you’re lucky, some free time for fun and hobbies. Not to mention, attempting to fit in some exercise.

The purpose of today’s blog is not to create more stress identifying what we already know…life is out of control! The purpose of today’s blog is to provide you some insight on how to slow things down, have more fun and reduce the amount of stress you are experiencing.

The reason so many people feel so stressed out is because they have lost themselves. We spend so much time doing and we spend so little time just being. When we are so immersed in our daily activities we forget whom we are and where we want to go.

In part, this is a defense mechanism that occurs subconsciously. “Do you mean I am actually choosing this craziness?” Absolutely! By drowning ourselves with so many activities, we never have the time to face the real issues. Which are…who am I? What do I want? Who do I need to become to achieve my deepest held ambitions? The problem with this is you can only stay in the craziness for so long before you pay a price mentally, physically, spiritually and financially.

Your highest self, the person deep inside you, can be suppressed only for so long before it finds its way to the surface. It may manifest in the form of fatigue, unhappiness, unfulfillment or an illness. The innate desire to live your highest self is the grandest expression of human existence.

So stop! Choose to stop the craziness of avoidance and start by getting to know you. How you ask? First, stop for a moment and just BE. The easiest way is to take a few moments each morning with your cup of coffee in a quiet location and start by asking yourself, “Who do I choose to be today and how do I want to show up? This is the very definition of intentional living. This is the first step of taking control of your life.

You will likely be amazed by the clarity this creates for you. You will begin to consciously choose those thoughts, actions and behaviors that support your highest self. Also don’t be surprised when you experience unparalleled personal and professional growth.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

How to Overcome Your Negative Thoughts

For those of you who are regular readers of this blog probably know that I am a big believer in the power of the mind. I have studied the science of the brain for over 25 years. What’s is so exciting about the mind? Well at any moment we can choose a different reality and the mind will begin to create the chemistry and neural connections to make it happen. Now it won’t be instantaneous, but with repetition of thought we can create more happiness, more wealth and abundance in our lives. We even influence how our genes express health. This can reverse the effects of years of chronic stress and disease. It happens everyday.

Here is the condensed science behind this…

Within the last five years it has been discovered that we can change our neural wiring when we change our thoughts. Our mind is full of these neural networks. They are made up from our brain cells called neurons. We have over 100 billion neurons and each one can make up 100 thousand networks. Pretty complex. They are linked and interwoven together by our thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts and our emotions create the chemicals that produce the networks. The more we repeat the same thoughts, the stronger the network. Good or bad. These circuits when repeated often enough by emotional programming become our dominant thoughts patterns. Over time we literally become addicted to our thoughts and the chemistry it produces. This is why it is so hard to break the habit of our thoughts.

If you are still with me, and I hope you are, you’re about to learn one of the most powerful and life changing tools that can transform your life and business. But there are a few more important things you need to know first.

It is important for you to understand that the chemistry that is produced by the brain is created by your thoughts and emotions. Negative low tone emotions like anger, jealousy, fear, anxiety and apathy to name a few, cause a surge in our stress hormones. When these stress hormones are dominant in the brain and body, they signal our genes to express sickness and disease. ALL disease! We were not designed to be in a heightened state of chronic stress. Innately we were designed by our creator with the fight or flight syndrome (releases stress hormones) as self-preservation to help remove us from life threatening situations. However, in today’s highly stressed world we are inundated with these negative emotions which keep us stuck in chronic stress and therefore the prevalence of all chronic disease has sky rocketed. Now there are other factors that are also contributing including bad diet, sedentary lifestyles, environmental toxins to name a few, but by far we are making ourselves sick with our thoughts.

There is good news! You can change all of this by changing your thoughts. I know you’re probably asking, “I thought it was hard to break the old links and change?” Well you are right. I never said it was easy, but people are doing it everyday with amazing results. First, you need to understand when you change your thoughts to empowering thoughts like love, happiness, gratitude, faith and wisdom you immediately begin to change your brain’s chemistry. Every time you consciously choose these empowering thoughts you spark your brain cells to fire differently than your previous circuits. If done often enough with specific intent, these new circuits will become your dominant pathway. This is how negative people become positive.

Another important point is that these new circuits you are building suppresses those stress hormones. This will cause your brain to produce the brain and body’s feel good chemicals. Please take a moment and think about what I am about to tell you… these feel good chemicals signal your genes to express health, life and vitality. You can literally create a new you.

Here are the 5 key steps that your brain requires to change everything.

  1. Meditation – Clear the mental clutter and negative thoughts that dominate 80% of your thoughts.
  2. Visualization – Put into your minds eye what it is you want for your life and focus hard on it. Use all of your senses so it becomes so real that you already feel it has occurred. The mind can’t tell the difference between an actual event and one vividly imagined in great detail.
  3. Affirmations – When you affirm you begin to speak to yourself using empowering messages. We spend most of the day putting ourselves down. Written affirmations require the mind to build new circuits.
  4. Goal Setting – The mind is target oriented. When we identify what we want to experience and why, we create the neurology that moves us to succeed.

Now that you understand you no longer need to be a victim of your thoughts, but you can be transformed by them, it is time to get started. Have intention with your thoughts, your life and well-being depend on it.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,