Category Archives: Dr. Jay LaGuardia Blog

What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

If you are a business owner or have an entrepreneurial spirit, this week’s blog is just for you.

In my personal library I have books that are well worn and I refer to regularly. These books have had a huge influence on me and have shaped me personally and professionally.

A book I would suggest you add to your personal library is “Secrets of the Rockefeller Habits” by Vern Harnish. I love this book because it is full of powerful concepts. I am very thankful for Vern’s book because it has positively influenced my businesses and I would like to share with you a few of these concepts.

The first is the importance of daily huddles. Huddles that are performed before each workday will effectively re-engage each employee with the organizations core values and core focus. During your daily huddle is when you review the organization’s goals and tract the progress. I have had the privilege to witness a pre-shift huddle at a Ritz Carlton Hotel. It was a powerful and influential experience that I can’t divulge the specifics of, but their daily huddles are a key contributor to their universally recognized exceptional customer service.

The Rockefeller Habits share two rules that every business should adopt.

Rule 1:

  • Create products/services people can’t live without and is habit forming.(Starbucks anyone?)
  • Crank up the new tools of sales and marketing to let the right people know.
  • Design lean processes to execute on all the revenue you’re generating.
  • Learn from other highly successful people on how to do all the above.


Rule 2:

  • Create a business model driven by recurring revenues (Highest valued firms).
  • Bring together a brilliant team that keeps getting smarter.
  • Craft a viral story that attracts the right percentage of the market.
  • Execute, execute, execute!
  • You can, and should, succeed with both to maximize profits and sales.


If you are in business, use these two rules to access where you are. What do you need to implement into your business and where can improvements be made? If you are considering starting a business, then how lucky are you to be exposed to these brilliant concepts in advance? If you know someone in business please share this with him or her. They will be very grateful you did.

Be abundant, live inspired, fulfill your destiny.

If you Think So…

Life’s journey is an amazing ride, if you think so. It’s a blessing to be able to experience the variety of emotions along the way. I know you’re thinking, “I can do without the pain, heartache and tragedies,” which I get. However, if we don’t experience these emotions we would lack contrast and therefore, perspective. It is during life’s most challenging times where we learn the most about ourselves and who we are. This is where we begin to appreciate the smallest of blessings.

We can allow life’s struggles to shroud us in darkness or we can choose to reframe our mind, which will ultimately illuminate the inherent lessons while planting the seeds for new growth. The harvest is an abundant mindset, which will nurture and cultivate a gratitude consciousness.

Imagine…without darkness there can be no light. Without sorrow and pain there can be no joy. Without anger and hate there can be no love and acceptance. And without pain there can be no healing. There is joy in every emotion. The vast amalgam of human emotions is truly a gift, if you think so.

Nature provides a perfect example of this delicate balance between dark and light. Imagine if there were no storm clouds and rain, how would the sun be able to provide its energy for growth. Each is dependent on the other for the full expression of life to fully mature into what it was designed to become. Therefore, we are also blessed with each human emotion so we can become conscious of who we desire to BE and what we choose to experience. This last point is perhaps the most important of all. It means we are in control of our destiny. This is a game changer because this is the foundation to personal growth and the expansion of a collective human consciousness.

We don’t have to be anything other than what we desire the most. If you want to experience more love, then give your love away. If you want more happiness become the happiest person you know. Laugh and be silly, smile till your face hurts and most of all, don’t take yourself so seriously. Most things are not really that important.

What we give away, we get back and therefore, our world becomes a reflection of us. If you have ever wondered why you keep experiencing the same things over and over it’s because the same you keeps showing up. Change you, change your world!

If I had one wish for you, it would be to a embrace every emotion throughout your day. Learn to be grateful for ALL emotions because they enriched the human experience. It is in the contrast where life’s magic occurs and self-exploration begins, if you think so…

I Know…It’s Been Awhile

Have you ever stepped away from one thing to pursue something else? To challenge yourself in away that makes you uncomfortable, so you can evolve to the next best version of yourself? Well, that is the journey I’ve been on the past 18 months. Give me a minute here because I believe there are lessons that can benefit everyone.

First, let me begin by thanking all of you who have been fans of this weekly blog. Your support and encouragement has meant a lot. My mission is to inspire millions of people to live happier, healthier and more prosperous lives. By providing great content in these three areas helps me accomplish this mission. However, you’ve likely noticed you have not received them of late. There is a good reason.

18 months ago I stepped away from blogging and other interests to head up a new company called, OolaCorporate Training. The mission of OolaCorporate Training is to bring the life changing principles of Oola to the corporate world. As you can imagine starting up a completely new company from the ground floor is a monumental task. I don’t share this to brag, but to point out in life there are times when opportunities present that require us to act. This was one of those times. I was fortunate to work with an amazing business coach and industry experts that made my journey less daunting. They took this neophyte and through a lot of hard work, taught me the skills and knowledge to be successful. I’m thankful for them and I am thankful for all those who I have had the pleasure to be on this journey with.

Here are the takeaways…

  1. You are never too old to challenge yourself in any aspect of life. When we stop learning we stop growing. Life’s magic occurs when we are learning and we push ourselves to get uncomfortable. Even though it WILL be painful at times.
  2. Look for opportunities, they are all around us. If it is the right opportunity, jump on it! The worst thing that can happen is it doesn’t work out. However, you will always be better for what you’ve learned and how you’ve grown.
  3. There is nothing better than creating something from scratch. Seeing your dream become a reality is pure excitement.
  4. Be passionate about everything you do. Do what you love and you will love what you do!
  5. Surround yourself with talented and passionate people. They will make you look good and encourage you to show up your best.
  6. Know what you need to know, because without the proper knowledge hard work can be wasted.
  7. Mentors matter! Leaning on people who have “been there, done that” is a comforting feeling on your journey. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It is not a sign of weakness, but of strength.

So there you have it, my seven lessons learned over the last year and half, which is a very Oola number. There were certainly more, however these were the most important. If you have never check out Oola please check it out by clicking on the link. I know you will be glad you did.

Once again thank you for supporting these blogs, if you find them of value I would appreciate if you would share them. I really have a passion to serve as many people as possible. This platform helps me do so. I love the community we are creating. I’d love to hear your feedback on these blogs. Lets start a dialogue to share your thoughts, knowledge and ideas with each other to make ourselves, our families, our communities and our world a better place.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

The Importance of Accountability Partners

Happy Friday!

I was recently reminded of the importance of mentors, coaches, and accountability partners. Mentors have the ability to push you harder and further than you would on our own.

I was on a group bike ride with some serious cyclists recently. I have just started adding touring rides to my workouts. The most I have ever ridden prior to this particular ride was 25 miles at one time. On this particular evening, the group was preparing to bike 40 miles. This ride was on country roads that are very hilly and challenging.

We headed out and all was going well. I was keeping pace and at times taking my turn to lead the pack. Halfway through, the group decided to take the 50-mile route instead. At that time, I had already ridden 12 miles more than I had previously with 15 miles still to go with a strong head wind on the way back. My initial thoughts were not positive ones.

I can tell you with great certainty that I would have not made this choice on my own, but I was not going to be the one to complain. With roughly 5 miles to go, I began to cramp and was feeling like I was running out gas. But the group would not let me fail. They encouraged me and supported me during my toughest moments to help me achieve this goal. When we finished, I felt immensely proud that I completed the journey and kept up with these seasoned riders.

My limits were stretched far beyond anything I would have attempted on my own.

Where in your life do you need to stretch your thinking and actions? Where do you need some encouragement and support? Who would be willing to help you achieve your goals?

Pushing yourself every day to get better. In order to experience mega growth, we need accountability and coaching to stretch ourselves in every way imaginable. All the greats do this regularly. Identify where you need to be stretched and then reach out to those who will push you.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

What’s the cost of thinking small?

Friday Motivation!

Have you ever minimize your expectations to avoid being disappointed? Ironically, thinking small always result in disappointment.

Thinking small comes from doubt and uncertainty. We unconsciously minimize our expectations for many reasons. The biggest of all is fear.

– The fear of failure or disappointment.

– The fear of change.

– The fear of worthiness.

– The fear of humiliation or shame.

– The fear of loss.

If you are a follower of (TGIM or now in this case TGIF) my blogs, you know that overcoming fear is essential to unlocking the greatness that we are designed for. Tapping into your greatness requires letting go of your fears and taking action. What awards or accolades have ever been given for playing small?

Especially in today’s world, those who dare to be bold achieve success. Success is achieved by those who are willing to step outside their comfort zone. Those who have dared to be great at some point have experienced fear. The difference in those who have had achieved success is they didn’t allow their fear to define them.

Where are you playing small in your life? Stop and think hard about this. Then ask yourself, why? How does this serve you or humanity? Embrace your fear and take action. It is time to unleash your inner greatness. Your time on this planet is finite and the world needs you to step up to your greatness.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Transform fear into action concept

Character Matters

Friday Motivation!

Have you ever considered how important character is to your success? Not just your character, but also the character of each member of your team/family/friends? If you were to survey 100 people, I believe that you would receive an overwhelming response that character matters.

I believe when we are building our team or community we surround ourselves with, far too often we spend more time considering talent than character. Think about it, talent without character is like having a sexy sports car without gas. History is replete with talented athletes and performers who had serious character flaws. Unfortunately, far to many have destroyed themselves and their careers.

This is why I would suggest that you consider the character of the people you associate yourself with and the people you allow on your team or in your life.

A team built on strong character allows talent to reach its full potential. It will bring out the best in the organization when adversity strikes (because it always will). This will allow you or your organization to overcome and persevere. Character will drive your team to reach its full potential and bring out the best in each member.

The most successful individuals and teams surround themselves with high character people. Plus, they are constantly growing their own character. Never stop striving to become a better version of yourself. It’s always character first, energy second, and talent third.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

The Brown Bag Approach

Thank God it’s Monday,

I recently came across an inspiring article about leadership. We know that leadership appears in many forms and styles, but perhaps no more important than at home.

Stony Brook College former AD, Jim Fiore, came up with a new idea: the brown bag approach.

Looking for new and innovative ways to inspire his family, he started writing quotes on his son lunch bag. He knows as a leader of young people, that the thoughts we fill our heads with have a big influence on our attitudes and behaviors.

Looking for ways to empower his son with strong and noble thoughts, the lunch bag quickly became the talk of the school. The lunch bag became so popular, that his friends couldn’t wait for lunch period; not because of the food, but rather for the next empowering thought.

What can you do to empower your teams? What new and innovative ways can you come up with to lead your family or team to reach new heights? When people are inspired, they are more enthusiastic and hopeful about the future. They are more productive and better at problem solving. Collectively, they feel like there is nothing they can’t achieve.

Your team, family and communities are looking to be inspired and led. They are waiting for a leader to show up with a vision that is clearly articulated.

Practice the 3 C’s: Creative, Consistent and Clear.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Brown lunch bag on table

Make a Difference Today

Thank God it’s Friday!

While attending a funeral I was recently reminded what makes a life well lived.

I was engaged in conversation with a mutual friend and we were reminiscing about the life we were honoring. We shared memories about the kindness and generosity this person displayed during his lifetime. We never once mentioned anything about the vast wealth he amassed or the material possessions he acquired.

When our time on earth has passed we can only hope to be remembered for the person we were and not the things we had.

Everyday we have the opportunity to spread sunshine, hope and love to everyone we come in contact with. We can choose to be kind and respectful. We can leave everyone we deal with feeling better about himself or herself with a compliment or a hug.

Choose today to be a difference maker. Make the world around you a better place and be remembered for the person you are. It reminds me of the book by Robin Sharma, “Who Will Cry When You Die.”

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Does it really matter?

Thank God it’s Monday,

In a world so divided it is not uncommon to be vilified for speaking your mind. It seems that we have lost decency and respect for those with different opinions. Instead of considering different viewpoints many choose to become offended by those with who think differently. Social media is a major contributor to this cultural shift. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others have become a place where people troll your newsfeed looking to argue or criticize.

If you are someone who becomes easily ruffled by every comment or feel slighted, why would you participate on these sites? More importantly, you will never find peace engaging at that level.

It is important to be polite and considerate, but in the end, does it really matter? You are likely not going to change opinions, so why try?

I encourage you to periodically take stock of your social media accounts. That means you should go through your account and unfriend/unfollow those who are neither respectful nor kind. What’s the value in allowing toxic people to troll you? Get rid of them, unfriend/unfollow them today.

In the end do they really matter?

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Invest in You!

Thank God It’s Monday,

As we plan for our future, we make investments in many things such as a home, college, retirement and other important endeavors. Unfortunately, most people fail to invest in them.

Businessman and Author, Brian Tracy, said “we should invest 3% of our income in our own personal development.” You may think this statement is self-serving for an author, but I can tell you from personal experience there is no truer statement.

I can definitively say investing in ones self is the best investment you can ever make. How can you possibly grow without exposing yourself to new ideas, concepts, and mentors who have achieved the things you would like to achieve?

I have seen people become inspired and completely transform their lives from a new thought.

When was the last time you took a course, read a new book or invited a mentor for coffee and picked their brain? From Author and Business coach, Robin Sharma, to the uber successful Richard Branson, said, “The ROI (Return on investment) for personal growth is 20:1.” If you know of any place where you can guarantee that kind of return, I would love to know.

If you invested $1,000 per year towards your personal growth for 20 years that equates to an additional $400,000 to your bottom line. Sign me up!

There is no better place to invest your money than in yourself. Start today by budgeting 3% of your income for personal growth. Identify what you want to learn, then go do it. The knowledge and opportunity it will afford you is staggering.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,