Category Archives: Dr. Jay LaGuardia Blog

Be Audacious!

Thank God it’s Monday,

As you begin to implement your plan for the New Year, be mindful that those who think and act audaciously experience the best results.

Being audacious is being bold. It is acting and thinking bigger than ever before. Thinking big requires the same energy as thinking small, so why wouldn’t you think big?

Have the courage and belief that you can’t fail. That anything is possible, because it is! The only thing holding you back from experiencing massive success this year is your ability to be audacious.

Dare to dream big. What do you have to lose?

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Man jump through the gap. Element of design.

Be Kind with Your Words

Thank God It’s Monday,

We live in a world now that provides everyone with a platform to express themselves openly and freely. There are a multitude of opportunities to engage with those who disagree with us. Unfortunately, far too often the way we communicate is using volatile and incendiary words. If someone doesn’t agree with us we feel the need to attack them.

If we can learn to be kind and respectful with those who differ with us, we can have much greater influence. When we attack others it results in that person becoming defensive. Feelings become hurt and dialogue shuts down. How does this serve them or us?

We have to avoid falling into the trap of our current culture. We are better than that. When faced with a disagreement ask yourself, how would I feel? What can I learn from their point of view? How can I make my point without becoming emotional?

It is said that those who become emotional lack the intellectual capacity to engage in conversation based on fact and logic.

If you want to experience great relationships, be influential and have less stress then be the kindest person you know.

Would you rather be right or kind? Is it more important to win an argument or lose a friend?

Think about the most successful people you know. I guarantee they are great communicators that speak kindly.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

What can you really control?

Thank God it’s Monday,

For the first 30 years or so of my life, I tried to control everything. I was the classic control freak. It used to drive me nuts…literally! My life was filled with disappointments, frustration and stress. I was insufferable to be around. This is a tough thing to admit and it almost cost me everything.

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is to gain control you must learn to give up control. This is one of life’s great paradoxes.

I know for a fact my experience is not unique to me. I see it all the time. More relationships and personal well-beings have been destroyed by the need to be in control. I have seen business owners who have been unable to get out of their own way because of their inability to delegate and let go of things they have no business doing.

We have little to no control of things outside ourselves, but we have 100% control of things inside our self. We have sole control over our inner world. This is where all our attention and intention must be.

How we experience things is up to us.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Change is Good!

Thank God it’s Monday,

If there is one constant in life it is change. Once we learn to embrace this universal truth life becomes magical.

Change for many is like a visit to the Dentist, it is painful and uncomfortable. We resist like a 5-year-old eating broccoli. What we don’t realize is the more we resist change, the harder and more difficult life becomes.

I often hear people say, “I like things just the way they are.” Life is not stagnant. We are either growing or dying. If we really examine our lives everything is changing all the time. Nothing stays the same. Our world is changing at break neck speed. Do you own a cell phone?

Learn to embrace change. Make it your new mantra. Everyday affirm, “change is normal, change is good.” You will begin to see all the possibilities that exist around you.

You will experience less anxiety and uncertainty that occurs with the unknown.

Imagine if Ben and Jerry’s only sold vanilla ice cream? How boring!

Live inspired, live abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Live in the NOW

Thank God it’s Monday,

The perfection of NOW has never been more evident. We live in a world that spends an inordinate amount of time focusing on the past and fretting about the future.

Both are an exercise of futility.

When we give our energy to things that we cannot change and events yet to be experienced, we are living a consciousness of fear. You can’t create your best life when fear is the most dominate thought.

Forget about your past, it no longer exists accept in your memory and don’t worry about tomorrow and what is yet to come. It is in the NOW where we shape our destiny. This is the power of conscious living.

It starts by making gratitude your most dominate emotion.

Gratitude will shift your focus which will unlock the power of creation. When you feel the familiar pangs of fear ask yourself, “Am I focused on what is currently good in my life”?

When you change your thoughts you change your mind, and your destiny.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

To Know Is To Teach

Thank God it’s Monday,

You have probably heard that “The fastest way to learn something is to teach it.” This is one of life’s great paradoxes. I know you are thinking, “how can I teach something I don’t know everything about?”

The fact is you can never know all there is know about anything. Don’t wait until you “know all about it” or have it “mastered”. It is your knowledge and experience that is needed.

The world needs what you have to offer. Go out and teach and help others. The more you teach the more you learn. By doing so, you will learn more about your topic and yourself.

We can provide great value. There is no greater reward than to give our time and talents. It will benefit the lives of others. So don’t wait, the world needs to know what you know.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Where do your negative thoughts come from?

Thank God It’s Monday,

Have you ever considered where your negative thoughts originate from? They come form the subconscious mind, which is programmed from your past experiences.

Your past feelings are not your true feelings because they are based on the previous or old you. Who you are now is very different then who you were then. To make decisions based on old emotions will mislead you. Do you see why you can’t use your past experiences to determine your future results?

Understand that we should use our past as a point of reference. We should learn from our previous experiences, however your feelings are the emotions you held at that time. To use those past emotions to determine whether you should move forward in the present will mislead you.

When you are faced with future decisions forget your past data and forget those past emotions. They do not serve in the now. That person does not exist. Look at who you are now because your past does not determine your future.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

What do you focus on?

Thank God it’s Monday,

When you woke this morning, what was the first thing you thought of? What was on the top of your to-do list? When we are clear of our life’s purpose our first thought should ALWAYS be, what do I need to do today to move me closer to my #1 goal.

What is most important in our lives is what we decide to put our focus and attention to. Your decisions will ultimately determine your destiny.

If your day begins with random thoughts and actions, then start by getting a clear mission and purpose. Your mission is your WHY! Why are you here and what do you want to be known for? Your purpose is your legacy. How will your purpose impact the lives of others?

We have a relatively short period of time to be able to impact the world. There is no time to waste. We need to have a plan every day. That plan is your strategy to fulfill your mission and purpose. Those who have the most clarity and a well thought out and documented plan get the most done.

So get started now! Why wait? There has never been a better time to take action. Get clear, get a plan and get going!

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

The Secret to Your Best Life

Thank God it’s Monday,

I want to thank all of you who take the time to read my Monday Morning Motivational blogs. I am humbled and grateful that you find value in these lessons. I started writing this blog 3 years ago to fulfill my mission; “To inspire millions to live happier, healthier and more prosperous lives.”

I began writing these blogs soon after I adopted a gratitude mindset. That’s when everything in my life changed such as my relationships, experiences, abundance and opportunities.

It is easy to be grateful for the good things in your life, but we need to learn to be grateful for life’s challenges. We also need to be grateful for the things yet to come, because that requires faith.

Living in the presence of gratitude changes everything.

If there is one gift I can wish for each of you this Christmas, it is the gift of a consciousness of gratitude. It will never let you down or disappoint. It gives back everyday.

Give yourself the gift of a gratitude journal. Write in it daily. Start by giving thanks for the good things, for your challenges, for someone and for something yet to come. Unlock the power of gratitude in your life this coming year and experience your best year ever.

Merry Christmas.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

What we can learn from Tom Brady

Thank God it’s Monday,

I was recently watching an interview with Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady. The interviewer asked him how he was able to overcome an interception that nearly cost his team a game, to eventually lead his team to a victory.

He said, “I never focus on the last play, it is over and I can’t do anything about it. My focus is on the things I can control like the next play. I can get down on myself and effect my team or I can let it go and focus on how I can help my team get a win.” This is a simple, but powerful lesson.

How often do we remain fixated on the bad things that happen in life? We lament on the negative experiences for what seems like forever. Is it possible to adopt the same mindset of a 4-time Super Bowl champion? Why not!

The next time you experience one of life’s inevitable set backs, determine how long you will give yourself before you decide to move forward. An hour, a day, a week? You get to decide. The quicker you let go of the disappointment the quicker you can move your life forward. It is ok to feel the pain; it is not ok to let it define you.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,