Have you ever been in an argument? Of course you have. When you find yourself caught up in a discussion about a topic you are passion about (knowing you are right), it’s likely you’ll argue to the bitter end. How do you feel after this. . .good? Do you ever walk away feeing better about yourself? My guess is no. You might have won the battle, but you will have likely lost the war.
The result is resentment and bitterness. Neither are great qualities to build relationships and influence others. The need to be right comes from ego. It is also an indication of low self-esteem. If you know you are right, does it help to bludgeon someone to prove it?
The idea of being right is the idea that someone else is wrong. The question I would have you consider is, “Is it better to be right or to be kind?” What’s the cost of being right?
Be humble enough to know when to walk away. Avoid attacking and becoming defensive. Preserving a relationship is more important. When you feel emotions welling up, it is time to walk away. Accept it for what it is, an impasse. Choose Love instead. Maintaining a healthy relationship is more important to personal happiness.