Change is Good!

Thank God it’s Monday,

If there is one constant in life it is change. Once we learn to embrace this universal truth life becomes magical.

Change for many is like a visit to the Dentist, it is painful and uncomfortable. We resist like a 5-year-old eating broccoli. What we don’t realize is the more we resist change, the harder and more difficult life becomes.

I often hear people say, “I like things just the way they are.” Life is not stagnant. We are either growing or dying. If we really examine our lives everything is changing all the time. Nothing stays the same. Our world is changing at break neck speed. Do you own a cell phone?

Learn to embrace change. Make it your new mantra. Everyday affirm, “change is normal, change is good.” You will begin to see all the possibilities that exist around you.

You will experience less anxiety and uncertainty that occurs with the unknown.

Imagine if Ben and Jerry’s only sold vanilla ice cream? How boring!

Live inspired, live abundant and fulfill your destiny,

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