Choose Your Happiness

Thank God it’s Monday,

I used to begin these Monday Morning Motivational blogs by greeting you with “Happy Monday” and now I greet you with “Thank God it’s Monday”; not because these are lines I just throw out there, but because these salutations are meant to invoke emotion and energy. My hope is that it will help reframe the emotional state you are currently experiencing.

Lets not forget we have the freedom to choose our emotions, so why would we choose any emotion other than happiness? Unfortunately at times we don’t choose to be happy. As humans we are conditioned to enjoy experiencing pain to some degree. If this weren’t the case we would always choose happiness as our emotion.

I challenge you to be mindful of your emotions this week. When you are feeling low tone emotions like fear, anxiety, frustration, and anger make a conscious choice to change your emotion immediately. Why not choose happiness?

Our personality creates our personal reality.

Start by expressing gratitude. Being grateful for things in your life, good or bad, will change your perceptions.

An important fact is, thoughts become our attitudes, attitudes become our behaviors, behaviors turn into habits, and habits become our perceptions.

When you consciously reframe your thoughts and choose happiness your perceptions of your environment change. This makes for a more enjoyable human experience. Try it. What do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing. You will become a role model while leading those around you.

This process is known as conscious living. Imagine if we practiced this regularly, how different would our life be? I promise if you adopt this habit everything in your life will change. “Be the change you want to see.”


Have an abundant and inspired week,

Choose Your Happiness

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