Commitment to Self = Self-Love

Thank God it’s Monday,

It is well known that having defined values is a critical step to revealing our true authentic-self. Commitment is an important value that most people know is essential to living our highest purpose.

Our life is full of commitments. Everyday we are choosing to honor our commitments. We make commitments to our significant others, families, employers and friends. We also have committed to be good citizens and neighbors. The list is endless.

The most important commitments we make is to ourselves. If you have committed to working out and eating well or working on your daily success habits and you fall short, you are undermining your self-worth and respect. Nothing will erode your self-confidence faster.

While I understand the commitments we make to others is important, let’s be mindful that the commitments we make to ourselves are paramount to all future success. Commitments to ourselves are the greatest expression of self-love.

Honoring your personal commitments will expand your achievement muscle, which will provide you the inner strength and confidence to serve others.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,


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