Deciding Not to Decide

Thank God it’s Monday,

When was the last time you thought to yourself, “I’m going to wait and see what happens” instead of making a decision? In other words, what have you been putting off deciding on?

Not to decide, is to decide. What are you deciding right now by not deciding? What are you choosing by failing to choose? Living this way is living your life by default. It is leaving your future to random chance. Random chance is the odds you get at a casino. How does that usually work out? Now, I understand some of you rather have a root canal then make a decision but the #1 attribute of success is decisiveness.

It is not always about making the right decision but making the decision RIGHT! There are no right decisions but the decisions we make right. This is not just a play on words but a real formula for success. When you decide and it doesn’t turn out, decide to do something different. It is the act of inaction where failure resides. “Doing the same thing and expecting different results is truly insane.”

Where is action required in your life to make 2016 your best year ever? Where do you need to decide? Do it now! Don’t wait any longer, your future is at stake.

Have an abundant and inspired week,

Deciding Not to Decide

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