Do You Really Know the Real You?

If you take a moment to observe your environment you will probably notice all the craziness that exists. You will see people racing around a million miles per hour attempting to fit 20 oz. in an 18 oz. glass. Perhaps this is a reflection of your own life? I understand that life can be overwhelming while trying to balance taking care of a home, kids, spouse, job and if you’re lucky, some free time for fun and hobbies. Not to mention, attempting to fit in some exercise.

The purpose of today’s blog is not to create more stress identifying what we already know…life is out of control! The purpose of today’s blog is to provide you some insight on how to slow things down, have more fun and reduce the amount of stress you are experiencing.

The reason so many people feel so stressed out is because they have lost themselves. We spend so much time doing and we spend so little time just being. When we are so immersed in our daily activities we forget whom we are and where we want to go.

In part, this is a defense mechanism that occurs subconsciously. “Do you mean I am actually choosing this craziness?” Absolutely! By drowning ourselves with so many activities, we never have the time to face the real issues. Which are…who am I? What do I want? Who do I need to become to achieve my deepest held ambitions? The problem with this is you can only stay in the craziness for so long before you pay a price mentally, physically, spiritually and financially.

Your highest self, the person deep inside you, can be suppressed only for so long before it finds its way to the surface. It may manifest in the form of fatigue, unhappiness, unfulfillment or an illness. The innate desire to live your highest self is the grandest expression of human existence.

So stop! Choose to stop the craziness of avoidance and start by getting to know you. How you ask? First, stop for a moment and just BE. The easiest way is to take a few moments each morning with your cup of coffee in a quiet location and start by asking yourself, “Who do I choose to be today and how do I want to show up? This is the very definition of intentional living. This is the first step of taking control of your life.

You will likely be amazed by the clarity this creates for you. You will begin to consciously choose those thoughts, actions and behaviors that support your highest self. Also don’t be surprised when you experience unparalleled personal and professional growth.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

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