Freedom Is Not Free

Thank God it’s Monday,
Benjamin Franklin said, “Freedom is not free.” History has proven him correct. On this Fourth of July, the 240th anniversary of our country’s independence, we are reminded of this everyday.

We are blessed to be Americans. If you have been fortunate to visit other countries, you see why people all around the world want to come here. We have the opportunity to pursue our dreams regardless of race, gender or socioeconomic status. We are certainly are not perfect, but no country has created more wealth or opportunity in the history of the world.

Sure some may have it easier then others, but anything worth accomplishing is worth pursuing.

So many have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. It is our obligation to honor those who have sacrificed by living our highest self, to make our country better by contributing back our time, talents and resources so those who follow us can have the same freedoms we have enjoyed. We need to be good stewards of our freedoms.

Franklin also said, “Freedom requires our eternal vigilance.”

Lets make sure we continue to live our highest values, the values that have made America great. Be proud to be an American. Freedom has been denied to many. Freedom is a privilege many would love to experience. Happy Independence Day!

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Freedom Is Not Free

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