To Get What You Want, You Must First Give it Away

Thank God its Monday,

It’s the beginning of another week and we have the opportunity to show up today ready to contribute value to our world. We are all blessed with special gifts and talents that our world needs. Our special talents are God’s gifts to us, our gift to him is to share those gifts freely with the world.

When we are living and expressing our highest integrity we are enriching the lives of others while fulfilling our own destiny. If we remain mindful of this, we will never experience a bad day. Sure there will be challenging times, but when we are serving from our abundance we will always be living our highest purpose.

To feel valued we must create value for others. This is the great paradox of life.

Whatever we want to experience we must first give it away. Most of us have it backwards. We erroneously think that once we have the things we want, then we should begin to give. This thinking breaks one of the most important universal laws that exists, “What goes around comes around.”

If you want to experience love, give your love away. If you want more wealth, give your wealth away. Fill in the blank, it doesn’t matter, the formula is still the same.

Try it today. Ask yourself what it is that you want more of, then begin by giving that very thing away to0 as many people as possible. Now watch how your world changes forever. The shift you experience and the impact you have on others will reflect back to you ten fold. It’s just the way the universe moves through us.

Live inspired, be abundant, fulfill your destiny,


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