How to Overcome Your Negative Thoughts

For those of you who are regular readers of this blog probably know that I am a big believer in the power of the mind. I have studied the science of the brain for over 25 years. What’s is so exciting about the mind? Well at any moment we can choose a different reality and the mind will begin to create the chemistry and neural connections to make it happen. Now it won’t be instantaneous, but with repetition of thought we can create more happiness, more wealth and abundance in our lives. We even influence how our genes express health. This can reverse the effects of years of chronic stress and disease. It happens everyday.

Here is the condensed science behind this…

Within the last five years it has been discovered that we can change our neural wiring when we change our thoughts. Our mind is full of these neural networks. They are made up from our brain cells called neurons. We have over 100 billion neurons and each one can make up 100 thousand networks. Pretty complex. They are linked and interwoven together by our thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts and our emotions create the chemicals that produce the networks. The more we repeat the same thoughts, the stronger the network. Good or bad. These circuits when repeated often enough by emotional programming become our dominant thoughts patterns. Over time we literally become addicted to our thoughts and the chemistry it produces. This is why it is so hard to break the habit of our thoughts.

If you are still with me, and I hope you are, you’re about to learn one of the most powerful and life changing tools that can transform your life and business. But there are a few more important things you need to know first.

It is important for you to understand that the chemistry that is produced by the brain is created by your thoughts and emotions. Negative low tone emotions like anger, jealousy, fear, anxiety and apathy to name a few, cause a surge in our stress hormones. When these stress hormones are dominant in the brain and body, they signal our genes to express sickness and disease. ALL disease! We were not designed to be in a heightened state of chronic stress. Innately we were designed by our creator with the fight or flight syndrome (releases stress hormones) as self-preservation to help remove us from life threatening situations. However, in today’s highly stressed world we are inundated with these negative emotions which keep us stuck in chronic stress and therefore the prevalence of all chronic disease has sky rocketed. Now there are other factors that are also contributing including bad diet, sedentary lifestyles, environmental toxins to name a few, but by far we are making ourselves sick with our thoughts.

There is good news! You can change all of this by changing your thoughts. I know you’re probably asking, “I thought it was hard to break the old links and change?” Well you are right. I never said it was easy, but people are doing it everyday with amazing results. First, you need to understand when you change your thoughts to empowering thoughts like love, happiness, gratitude, faith and wisdom you immediately begin to change your brain’s chemistry. Every time you consciously choose these empowering thoughts you spark your brain cells to fire differently than your previous circuits. If done often enough with specific intent, these new circuits will become your dominant pathway. This is how negative people become positive.

Another important point is that these new circuits you are building suppresses those stress hormones. This will cause your brain to produce the brain and body’s feel good chemicals. Please take a moment and think about what I am about to tell you… these feel good chemicals signal your genes to express health, life and vitality. You can literally create a new you.

Here are the 5 key steps that your brain requires to change everything.

  1. Meditation – Clear the mental clutter and negative thoughts that dominate 80% of your thoughts.
  2. Visualization – Put into your minds eye what it is you want for your life and focus hard on it. Use all of your senses so it becomes so real that you already feel it has occurred. The mind can’t tell the difference between an actual event and one vividly imagined in great detail.
  3. Affirmations – When you affirm you begin to speak to yourself using empowering messages. We spend most of the day putting ourselves down. Written affirmations require the mind to build new circuits.
  4. Goal Setting – The mind is target oriented. When we identify what we want to experience and why, we create the neurology that moves us to succeed.

Now that you understand you no longer need to be a victim of your thoughts, but you can be transformed by them, it is time to get started. Have intention with your thoughts, your life and well-being depend on it.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

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