I Know…It’s Been Awhile

Have you ever stepped away from one thing to pursue something else? To challenge yourself in away that makes you uncomfortable, so you can evolve to the next best version of yourself? Well, that is the journey I’ve been on the past 18 months. Give me a minute here because I believe there are lessons that can benefit everyone.

First, let me begin by thanking all of you who have been fans of this weekly blog. Your support and encouragement has meant a lot. My mission is to inspire millions of people to live happier, healthier and more prosperous lives. By providing great content in these three areas helps me accomplish this mission. However, you’ve likely noticed you have not received them of late. There is a good reason.

18 months ago I stepped away from blogging and other interests to head up a new company called, OolaCorporate Training. The mission of OolaCorporate Training is to bring the life changing principles of Oola to the corporate world. As you can imagine starting up a completely new company from the ground floor is a monumental task. I don’t share this to brag, but to point out in life there are times when opportunities present that require us to act. This was one of those times. I was fortunate to work with an amazing business coach and industry experts that made my journey less daunting. They took this neophyte and through a lot of hard work, taught me the skills and knowledge to be successful. I’m thankful for them and I am thankful for all those who I have had the pleasure to be on this journey with.

Here are the takeaways…

  1. You are never too old to challenge yourself in any aspect of life. When we stop learning we stop growing. Life’s magic occurs when we are learning and we push ourselves to get uncomfortable. Even though it WILL be painful at times.
  2. Look for opportunities, they are all around us. If it is the right opportunity, jump on it! The worst thing that can happen is it doesn’t work out. However, you will always be better for what you’ve learned and how you’ve grown.
  3. There is nothing better than creating something from scratch. Seeing your dream become a reality is pure excitement.
  4. Be passionate about everything you do. Do what you love and you will love what you do!
  5. Surround yourself with talented and passionate people. They will make you look good and encourage you to show up your best.
  6. Know what you need to know, because without the proper knowledge hard work can be wasted.
  7. Mentors matter! Leaning on people who have “been there, done that” is a comforting feeling on your journey. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It is not a sign of weakness, but of strength.

So there you have it, my seven lessons learned over the last year and half, which is a very Oola number. There were certainly more, however these were the most important. If you have never check out Oola please check it out by clicking on the link. I know you will be glad you did.


Once again thank you for supporting these blogs, if you find them of value I would appreciate if you would share them. I really have a passion to serve as many people as possible. This platform helps me do so. I love the community we are creating. I’d love to hear your feedback on these blogs. Lets start a dialogue to share your thoughts, knowledge and ideas with each other to make ourselves, our families, our communities and our world a better place.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

2 thoughts on “I Know…It’s Been Awhile”

  1. Well that was a fantastic read! Thank you! So much of what you shared resonates with me at this chapter in my life!

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