Ignore These Values at Your Own Peril

Thank God it’s Monday,

When was the last time a patient or client announced that they are done with your services?

“Hey doc, thanks for all of your help but this will be my last visit.”

I would bet you have never heard this from a client before.

So why is it that your patients don’t have this conversation with you? They fall off, never to be seen again. EVER!  It is simple, they think you will do everything you can to talk them out of their decision. They believe you will guilt and shame them for giving up on their health. Who wants to confront that? No wonder they make an appointment they never intend to keep.

Our job is to provide solutions to our patients’ problems, to support and encourage them to better health and well-being. If they choose to accept care or not, we should make it easy for them to leave if we ever expect them to return. We should make this known from the moment they start care. They should know you will support them in any decision they make even if the patient chooses wrongly, according to us.

Love your patients. Trust them to choose wisely and if the don’t, let them go so they can return.

Have an abundant and inspired week,

Love and Trust

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