The Importance of Accountability Partners

Happy Friday!

I was recently reminded of the importance of mentors, coaches, and accountability partners. Mentors have the ability to push you harder and further than you would on our own.

I was on a group bike ride with some serious cyclists recently. I have just started adding touring rides to my workouts. The most I have ever ridden prior to this particular ride was 25 miles at one time. On this particular evening, the group was preparing to bike 40 miles. This ride was on country roads that are very hilly and challenging.

We headed out and all was going well. I was keeping pace and at times taking my turn to lead the pack. Halfway through, the group decided to take the 50-mile route instead. At that time, I had already ridden 12 miles more than I had previously with 15 miles still to go with a strong head wind on the way back. My initial thoughts were not positive ones.

I can tell you with great certainty that I would have not made this choice on my own, but I was not going to be the one to complain. With roughly 5 miles to go, I began to cramp and was feeling like I was running out gas. But the group would not let me fail. They encouraged me and supported me during my toughest moments to help me achieve this goal. When we finished, I felt immensely proud that I completed the journey and kept up with these seasoned riders.

My limits were stretched far beyond anything I would have attempted on my own.

Where in your life do you need to stretch your thinking and actions? Where do you need some encouragement and support? Who would be willing to help you achieve your goals?

Pushing yourself every day to get better. In order to experience mega growth, we need accountability and coaching to stretch ourselves in every way imaginable. All the greats do this regularly. Identify where you need to be stretched and then reach out to those who will push you.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

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