Invest in You!

Thank God It’s Monday,

As we plan for our future, we make investments in many things such as a home, college, retirement and other important endeavors. Unfortunately, most people fail to invest in them.

Businessman and Author, Brian Tracy, said “we should invest 3% of our income in our own personal development.” You may think this statement is self-serving for an author, but I can tell you from personal experience there is no truer statement.

I can definitively say investing in ones self is the best investment you can ever make. How can you possibly grow without exposing yourself to new ideas, concepts, and mentors who have achieved the things you would like to achieve?

I have seen people become inspired and completely transform their lives from a new thought.

When was the last time you took a course, read a new book or invited a mentor for coffee and picked their brain? From Author and Business coach, Robin Sharma, to the uber successful Richard Branson, said, “The ROI (Return on investment) for personal growth is 20:1.” If you know of any place where you can guarantee that kind of return, I would love to know.

If you invested $1,000 per year towards your personal growth for 20 years that equates to an additional $400,000 to your bottom line. Sign me up!

There is no better place to invest your money than in yourself. Start today by budgeting 3% of your income for personal growth. Identify what you want to learn, then go do it. The knowledge and opportunity it will afford you is staggering.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

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