It’s all about purpose.

Happy Monday,

Well it is week two of the New Year. How are you doing thus far? Are you reviewing your goals and executing your plan? Many of you are probably rolling your eyes at the process, thinking not another year of making lofty goals only to fall short.

So why is that? Well, there are many reasons but I would like to focus on one in particular and perhaps the most important, a lack of a clearly defined purpose. I can hear the groaning already. Not more about purpose? Yes, its all about purpose. The truth be told, numbers and goals specifically do not drive people. It is your purpose that drives you to achieve your goals.

A recent West Point study showed that those who had intrinsic goals, “I want to serve my country and make a difference” outperformed those with extrinsic goals, “I want to rise in the ranks and become an officer because it is prestigious.”

Goals may motivate you in the short term but they will not sustain you over time. Without a good or great reason to keep moving forward during challenges you either quit or go through the motions which eventually will result in another year of frustration and unaccomplished goals.

Please understand that this does not mean you shouldn’t measure your goals. I tell docs and their teams all the time that goals are a way to measure if you are living your purpose. When you see your patients as numbers and not as people, you are off purpose. Once your goals have been defined it is your purpose that drives you to achieving them. The greater your purpose the greater the performance.

Before you start defining your 2016 goals, define or redefine your purpose. Share it with your team and create a cross accountability. Purpose driven goals transcend any extrinsic motivator and will help you overcome any obstacle while enhancing performance that will far exceed any numbered goals.

Have an abundant and inspired week,


One thought on “It’s all about purpose.”

  1. Dr Jay-
    I read This blog article at the perfect time. PURPOSE, so important. In fact all your blog entries are extremely motivating and really make me think. Thank you so much for sharing.

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