Learn how to build impactful relationships through the art of listening

Thank God it’s Monday,

Have you ever caught yourself while engaged in a conversation with a friend or client thinking about something else? So detached from the conversation that you might as well be on a different planet? We all do it, but I want you to consider the cost of not being present in your relationships. The ability to build strong relationships is perhaps the most essential element to success.

When you are engaged with people in conversation, you owe them your full attention. In fact, you must give all of yourself in order to expect full engagement in return. We must show respect to get respect.

Becoming a good listener is a skill, like playing the piano or learning how to dance or write. Start by creating eye contact. It is said, the eyes are the windows to the soul. When you connect through eye contact it will result in a greater level of trust and rapport.

Next listen to hear not to respond. We all do this. In our minds we are formulating a response to what is being said. When we do this, our ability to understand WHAT is being said is greatly diminished. Isn’t the purpose of communication to understand what is being said? Start by hearing what is being said. Next, repeat it back to the person to confirm what you heard was accurate. Then respond. Watch their reaction…you will be amazed!

Finally, your posture speaks volumes about you. It provides signals to the person in front of you whether you are accepting or rejecting what they are saying. If your arms and legs are crossed and your shoulders are slouched, you are providing signals that you are not buying what they are selling. Be conscious of your posture. Work on keeping your facial expressions neutral and your posture strong and powerful but not intimidating. Be mindful of the unspoken messages you are sending.

Our ability to communicate impacts every area of our lives. We can have much better relationships with our spouses, children, coworkers, friends, etc. If you are willing to learn these skills with regular practice, I promise you will see your life radically transform. You will experience more health, more wealth and better relationships. The level of trust and respect in your life will never be higher.

Quality of your life is directly related to the quality of your relationships.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Learn how to build impactful relationships through the art of listening

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