Make a Difference Today

Thank God it’s Friday!

While attending a funeral I was recently reminded what makes a life well lived.

I was engaged in conversation with a mutual friend and we were reminiscing about the life we were honoring. We shared memories about the kindness and generosity this person displayed during his lifetime. We never once mentioned anything about the vast wealth he amassed or the material possessions he acquired.

When our time on earth has passed we can only hope to be remembered for the person we were and not the things we had.

Everyday we have the opportunity to spread sunshine, hope and love to everyone we come in contact with. We can choose to be kind and respectful. We can leave everyone we deal with feeling better about himself or herself with a compliment or a hug.

Choose today to be a difference maker. Make the world around you a better place and be remembered for the person you are. It reminds me of the book by Robin Sharma, “Who Will Cry When You Die.”

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

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