No one owes you Jack………

Thank God it’s Monday,

It is time to discuss a very important issue. I believe it is crucial to occasionally address some controversial topics in order to experience our highest self. Today is the issue of entitlement.

When did our culture shift to an entitlement mindset? I have a few ideas. First it seems to me that our current political environment has consciously created a divided culture. Why you ask? It’s simple, the more they divide people by race, gender, and socioeconomic class, age, etc. the more power they derive. They create these arguments that make us feel like victims and powerless. They tell us our current lack of success is the fault of someone else and naturally they have the solutions to fix things. This is a big fat lie to make the politicians relevant. Dividing people derives their power.

The media reinforces these lies everyday. Just because they perpetuate these beliefs, doesn’t make them true. The very definition of a belief is that we accept a concept or idea regardless whether it is based in fact.

Do we have problems as a nation…no doubt! However, I want to share with you a very important fact that can change your life. No one has more influence on your success than YOU! Once I learned this universal truth, everything changed. I no longer gave my power to others. Victimhood will miraculously disappear from your mindset.

History is full of stories of people who have overcome incredible odds in the face of great adversity. There has always been and always will be inequities in this world. Life is not fair, but what are you going to do about it…whine and complain or take back the power to change your life?

No one owes you an education, a home or healthcare. It is not society’s role to insure your success. That is your job, so get to work! Remember no one owes you JACK………

I am interested in your thoughts; please let me know what you think.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,


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