Perfection is an Illusion

Thank God it’s Monday,

So many of us become paralyzed by the need to be perfect. When we are faced with new opportunities we typically experience one of two thoughts. One is how things could go wrong or secondly what do I need to do to make this absolutely perfect. The end result is the same, paralysis.

A wise man once told me, “there aren’t right decisions, only decisions we make right.” This statement changes everything. It alludes to that fact that perfection is an illusion. It is our intent and actions that determine our results. If we wait for the perfect time, circumstances or conditions to take action we will be waiting for a very long time.

Nothing will stop the forward march of creation than the need to do things to perfection.

Our results are solely based on the actions we take. As we proceed and observe our results, if they are not what we anticipated, then make different decisions and take new actions. This is the formula to achieving the results you desire. Observe, make distinctions and course correct as needed. That is the secret sauce to success.

There are endless amounts of opportunities in today’s world. It is time to take action and eliminate the perfection mindset. You deserve all the success and abundance the universe has to offer, if you are willing to just get started. Make a decision and make it the right one!

Live inspire, be abundant and fulfill your destiny.


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