Playing Small is a Waste!

Playing Small is a Waste

Happy Monday,

I was recently thinking about the goals I set for 2015. I am proud to say that I am on track to hit them all. I’m telling you this not to brag but to confess that perhaps I am playing it to small or to safe.

There is nothing wrong with hitting your goals. Lord knows I speak and write frequently on the subject. But I think there are times we play too small. We do so because we like comfort. As humans we are creatures of comfort. We do not want to be stretched to much because it will make us uncomfortable and that makes us nervous and fearful. Unfortunately to achieve anything truly worth while, we must push ourselves beyond our comfort zone.

The price we pay for playing it safe is a life in which we do ok, but we never reach the greatness we all have within.  The universe is an abundant place with abundant opportunities and infinite potential. The limitations we put upon our thoughts and actions results in small rewards. To think and dream big requires us to push the boundaries of our thoughts. To be willing to challenge our status quo and to set loftier goals. The cool thing is, when you step outside the zone of comfort in thought and action and dare to dream big, the rewards are significant.

So I ask you (and me) if dreaming big requires the same energy as dreaming small, why would we ever dream small?

As we begin 2016 and we are setting our goals, so lets push each other to set big goals this year. Lets think abundantly and dare to be great. The universe is waiting to reward us for stepping up and claiming the greatness within.  “It is better to dream big and miss our goals then to think small and hit them.” Marcus Aurelius

Have an abundant and inspired week,

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