Strengthen Your Creation Muscle!

Thank God it’s Monday,

One of the most important lessons I have learned on the path of personal development is to be mindful of the words you use. Thoughts have energy and words are thoughts expressed. The energy from those words create a vibrational tone. Those vibrations resonate out into the universe that will either attract positive or negative experiences.

For those who are skeptical, I challenge you to study the field of Quantum Physics. It has revealed these universal laws. Amazingly, if we can alter and bend atoms with our thoughts, we can alter our reality with our minds. Researched has shown we can change the expression of health with our thoughts.

One of the valuable lessons I was taught early on was, “Want creates more want.” When you want, all you get is more want! Instead, “Give away what you want, to get what you want.” Let me explain.

If you want more courage go encourage someone else. If you would like more love, give your love away freely. If you want more confidence, help someone build their confidence. Want better relationships? Be a better friend, spouse or parent. Want more belief, help others build their belief. Perhaps the most difficult of them all to except is, if you want more money, give money to others. When you allow money to flow through you, you actually increase the attraction of money too you.

Identify what you want the most. Commit to giving that away freely. Do so for the next two weeks and watch what happens. You will never be the same nor will the world around you.

I promise if you adopt this mindset you will ignite the process of creation and alter your perceptions, therefore changing your reality.

Live Inspired, be abundant and fulfill your Destiny,

Strengthen Your Creation Muscle!

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