The Power of “What”

Thank God it’s Monday,

If you are a regular reader of these weekly blogs you know that I have written frequently about your WHY. In the context of your purpose, the WHY behind the HOW is essential if you want to experience success. Your WHY is what differentiates your product and services compared to your competition.

Lets look at WHY in a different context.

When we face difficult situations the first question we typically ask is, “WHY is this happening?” This puts our focus on the most useless question there is. If we focus on the why we become stuck, we feel victimized and powerless to change.

We need to ask, “WHAT am I supposed to learn from this experience?” This reframes our mind to the potential solution. The lesson is in the WHAT.

The next time you’re faced with adversity don’t ask WHY, but ask WHAT.  Answering the WHAT will provide you the fuel for future success?

Personal growth occurs when we ask, WHAT.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,


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