The Rockefeller Habits

Thank God it’s Monday,

I recently read the book, “The Secrets of the Rockefeller Habits” by Vern Harnish.

This book is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the habits of a successful business. One important tip is to have daily huddles with your team. Sound familiar? The Author informs us daily huddles re-engage each team member with the organization’s core values and core focus. The daily huddle reviews the organizations goals and tracts its progress. It prepares the team to serve the needs of its clients and anticipate the days challenges.

This book is an easy read full of invaluable tools and information to help you create a world-class organization. Here are a few of his rules to learn and follow.

Rule #1:

• Create products/services people can’t live without and are habit forming

• Crank up the new tools of sales and marketing to let the right people know

• Design lean processes to execute on all the revenue you’re generating

• Learn from other highly successful people how to do all the above

Rule #2:

• Create a business model driven by recurring revenues (highest valued firms)

• Bring together a brilliant team (that keeps getting smarter)

• Craft a viral story that attracts the right percentage of the market

• Execute, execute, execute

• You can, and should, succeed with both to maximize profits and sales.

Have an abundant and inspired day,

Rockefeller Habits

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