Is It Time To Quit Working?

Thank God it’s Monday,
I want to make a bold suggestion for you, I want you to quit working. Today!! I know this sounds crazy but think about it. Our purpose is not to make a living, but to make a life! Stop working and start creating. If you are driven by the need to survive then you will never thrive as you were intended to do.
The true purpose of life’s journey is to live to our fullest potential. To unlock the power within us that is limitless and has no boundaries. To express our souls’ desires so that we may come to know our highest self. This is our purpose. How we express our purpose is through our life’s work.
At the end of the day do you feel joyfulness and fulfillment from your efforts? If you answered yes, then you are expressing your truest self. If not, then perhaps you may be profiting your bank account but not your soul. This is why so many people feel an emptiness, a void within. Their life lacks meaning and a sense of purpose.
When things aren’t working change everything. Stop working and start expressing the desire of your soul. The funny thing is, when you do, you often find many rewards both personally and financially.


Live Inspired and be abundant,

Is It Time To Quit Working?

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