To Know Is To Teach

Thank God it’s Monday,

You have probably heard that “The fastest way to learn something is to teach it.” This is one of life’s great paradoxes. I know you are thinking, “how can I teach something I don’t know everything about?”

The fact is you can never know all there is know about anything. Don’t wait until you “know all about it” or have it “mastered”. It is your knowledge and experience that is needed.

The world needs what you have to offer. Go out and teach and help others. The more you teach the more you learn. By doing so, you will learn more about your topic and yourself.

We can provide great value. There is no greater reward than to give our time and talents. It will benefit the lives of others. So don’t wait, the world needs to know what you know.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

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