
What we can learn from Tom Brady

Thank God it’s Monday,

I was recently watching an interview with Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady. The interviewer asked him how he was able to overcome an interception that nearly cost his team a game, to eventually lead his team to a victory.

He said, “I never focus on the last play, it is over and I can’t do anything about it. My focus is on the things I can control like the next play. I can get down on myself and effect my team or I can let it go and focus on how I can help my team get a win.” This is a simple, but powerful lesson.

How often do we remain fixated on the bad things that happen in life? We lament on the negative experiences for what seems like forever. Is it possible to adopt the same mindset of a 4-time Super Bowl champion? Why not!

The next time you experience one of life’s inevitable set backs, determine how long you will give yourself before you decide to move forward. An hour, a day, a week? You get to decide. The quicker you let go of the disappointment the quicker you can move your life forward. It is ok to feel the pain; it is not ok to let it define you.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

It’s Easy to See the Negative

Thank God it’s Monday,

No matter what task we take on or idea we consider we can always find something wrong in every situation. Something that is not okay or that is less than perfect. As humans, we have perfected this mind-set. I guess it depends if you are a glass half-full or glass half-empty kind of person.

The flip side to this is that there is also something right with every situation. If we are willing to look hard enough even the most challenging experiences or circumstances have something inherently good and right within.

The question is, what are you focusing on? Are you choosing to look at what is not right or are you willing to look deeper at what is good. It is that simple. I understand that this seems easier said than done, but like any skill it takes practice to retrain your mind.

The next time you are faced with a difficult decision and before you give into the negative self-talk and past programing, ask yourself what is right and good within this challenge? Answer this question first. When you do, you will begin to train your mind to see the good in every situation. It doesn’t mean that you will become a blind optimist, but it will allow you to make better decisions based on fact and less on emotion.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,


Are You Willing to Pay the Price?

Thank God it’s Monday,

It’s not uncommon for me to receive phone calls or emails from clients asking for advice about what business opportunities they should invest in or idea they should act on. My answer is always the same …… Are you passionate about it and are you willing to pay the price?

Your answer will determine your actions.

What matters most is not that others have had success, but that you are willing to do the work! The success of others is not a guarantee of your success. Are you willing to put in the time and energy to make the sacrifices and be all in? If the answer is yes, then you will have a good chance for success.

When you are considering starting up a new venture, you must understand what the pursuit of success might cost:

1. Additional education or apprenticeship.
2. You could do all the right things and still possibly fail.
3. A full financial commitment to give your new venture a chance to succeed.
4. Sacrificing time with family, leisure and other interests.
5. The lack of support of those who do not share your passion or dream.
6. The resentment or jealously of others once you achieve success.

These are a few issues you need to be prepared to overcome. I am not trying in any way to discourage or dissuade anyone from pursuing his or her dreams, however it is imperative that you consider these issues.

I have been an entrepreneur for most of my adult life. It is exciting and exhilarating to start from nothing and build a successful company, but I feel we should be prepared and understand the potential costs.

As I tell my clients, go into it with your eyes wide open. Have a passion for your product or service and never be outworked, but understand the price of success.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,


The Power of “What”

Thank God it’s Monday,

If you are a regular reader of these weekly blogs you know that I have written frequently about your WHY. In the context of your purpose, the WHY behind the HOW is essential if you want to experience success. Your WHY is what differentiates your product and services compared to your competition.

Lets look at WHY in a different context.

When we face difficult situations the first question we typically ask is, “WHY is this happening?” This puts our focus on the most useless question there is. If we focus on the why we become stuck, we feel victimized and powerless to change.

We need to ask, “WHAT am I supposed to learn from this experience?” This reframes our mind to the potential solution. The lesson is in the WHAT.

The next time you’re faced with adversity don’t ask WHY, but ask WHAT.  Answering the WHAT will provide you the fuel for future success?

Personal growth occurs when we ask, WHAT.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,


The 3 Most Important Roles of Leadership

Thank God it is Monday,
Leadership is a common topic I like to write about. Why? Because all success rises or falls on leadership.
The three most important objectives of a leader are:
                                   1. Set the vision and establish a strategy for the company or organization.
                                   2. Attract, hire and train the very best available talent.
                                   3. Create a top rate culture and ensure everyone has bought in….
These may seem to be simple things to accomplish, however, you might be surprised how many leaders fail to implement these objectives. A failure to do so will have devastating consequences to the long-term success of the organization.
Without a clearly defined vision the organization will struggle to gain traction. An organization’s “WHY” is its life blood. If everyone within the organization doesn’t clearly understand how what they do positively impacts the consumer, you are just another product or service.
Simon Sinek stated in his best selling book Start with Why, “Most people know what they do, most know how they do it, but very few know WHY they do what they do. Even less can articulate WHY they do what they do.” This is the difference between great companies and those who struggle for market share and identity.
A leader must always be on the prowl for talent. The organization can only rise to the level of its’ people. Surround yourself with the most talented people available.
You can’t have a great company without a great culture. Culture transcends egos and agendas. Culture creates a WE and not ME mindset. It is focused on serving others and delivering an exceptional experience for your customers or clients above and beyond the needs of the individual employee.
A great culture will attract the right people who believe in what you believe. This includes employees and customers. Changing a bad culture is very difficult. You need to get this right.
As a leader, if you focus 80% of your time on these three objectives, you will build a world class business.
Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Fear is Normal, Shrinking to Fear is NOT!

Thank God it’s Monday,

Do you minimize your expectations to avoid being disappointed? Thinking small will always result in disappointment.

Thinking small comes from doubt, uncertainty and fear. We unconsciously minimize our expectations for many reasons. The biggest of all is fear.

– The fear of failure or disappointment.
– The fear of change.
– The fear of worthiness.
– The fear of humiliation or shame.
– The fear of loss.

If you have read any of my past blogs, you know that overcoming fear is essential to unlocking the greatness that already exists within. Tapping into your greatness requires letting go of these fears and taking action. What awards or accolades have been won by playing small?

Especially in today’s world where those who dare to act and be bold achieve success. Those who are willing to step outside their comfort zone achieve greatness. Anyone who has dared to be great, all experienced fear. The difference is that they didn’t allow their fear to define them.

Where are you playing small in your life? Stop and think hard about this. Then ask yourself, “Why?” How does this serve me or humanity? What is the cost of playing small?

Embrace your fear and take action. Unleash your inner greatness because time is finite and the world needs you to step up to your greatness.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

Embrace your fear and take action.

Do you Experience “Angel Talk”?

Thanks God it’s Monday,

Have you ever experienced moments of inspiration or had an epiphany or new idea? Neale Donald Walsch, calls these moments “Angel Talk”. This is a cool way of describing messages from God or the field of intention. Whatever it is called, it doesn’t really matter.

What matters most is we pay attention to theses messages. “Heaven talks in snippets, not in speeches.”

We all experience moments of inspiration and it doesn’t require us to be religious. Do you find yourself paying attention to these inspirations? More importantly, are we acting on these messages?

When you find yourself being blessed with these messages or hunches, stop, listen and act. These are blessing from above that should not be ignored. Be thankful for them. It means that you are in tune with the infinite. There is no greater gift.

Have an abundant and inspired week,


Angel Talk

It’s All About Forgiveness

Thank God it’s Monday,

One of the most important responsibilities of a coach or mentor is to identify those things that are blocking someone’s growth. There are often many obstacles that prevent us from truly experiencing the greatness that already exists within us. Trust me, the greatness is there, it is God given. We can all learn to tap into it, if we are willing to do the work to unleash our true potential.
A couple of significant blockers are forgiveness and guilt. We all experience these emotions in our lives. Others often use them to manipulate or control us. We then buy into this mindset that somehow we are bad and must be punished for our past transgressions. How many times have you done things out of guilt? Probably more then you are willing to admit. When we allow others to dominate our emotions, we give up our power to them. We do so at the expense of our own personal well-being and happiness. We then become angry and upset. If we allow this pattern to continue we become resentful.
It is impossible to create and manifest our hearts desires in this state of mind. There are only two things that can change this mindset. Gratitude and forgiveness. Today, I want you to focus on forgiveness.
Forgiveness begins by forgiving yourself first. Stop beating yourself up for all the dumb and stupid things you have said and done in your life. Raise your hand if you haven’t done and said stupid things. We all have! Welcome to the human race. We need to get over it. Let it go! It doesn’t serve you in any way. Start by striving to do and be better. Acknowledge that you might have messed up but most importantly forgive yourself. Let go of all the negative emotions. This will allow your heart to be light again. You will be more joyful and experience more love and abundance.
Secondly, forgive others. We already know we are not perfect so why would we hold others to a different standard? Holding resentment towards others has a cost. That cost can be our physical and mental well-being. This also takes a toll on our health and the health of our relationships, a steep price to pay for a lack of forgiveness.
What do you need to forgive yourself for? What have you been holding onto that is eating you up? Identify it, acknowledge it, and let it go now!! Then forgive others. What you give away comes back to you.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

It's All About Forgiveness

Why Struggling is a Good Thing

I know that most of us view struggle as something that is unpleasant. Lets face it, who wants to experience pain and hardship? What if I told you that struggle is a blessing? Let me explain.

Struggle offers us perspective. Struggle allows us an appreciation of all that is good that exists in our lives. It provides contrast. Cloudy days make us really appreciate the nice days and vice versa. If we come from humble beginnings we will likely be far more appreciative when we experience wealth. Have you ever had a time when you lost your health, only to regain it? How much did you appreciate your health then?
Consider struggle as another word for growth. If you give thanks for the struggles in your life, you will overcome them much more quickly. You will develop a mindset of gratitude by training your brain to see every experience as a blessing. Know that life’s struggles are as much of the human condition as eating and breathing.
Change your perspective, change your reality.
What current struggles are you experiencing that you need to give thanks for? List them and change your energy towards them. You will be amazed how your life changes.
Have an abundant and inspired week,
Stuggles are blessings in disgues

“Change Your Mind Change Your Destiny”

The day is finally here! The book has been released!

Click on the image of the book below to find it on Amazon!


“Change Your Mind Change Your Destiny” is a journey to the subconscious mind to help you examine why you think and act the way you do. This book will provide you, the reader, the tools necessary to unlock your full innate human potential.
If you no longer want your future to be your past, then start by changing your mind.
Most people get how a poor diet and a lack of movement affects their health but few realize the impact of toxic thoughts on their well-being.
The 8 habits in this book are designed to provide the road map to change your destiny. This book is a simple “how to” with easy to apply action steps no matter the age or ability.
The hardest part of change is not making the same choices today as you did yesterday.