
Choose Your Happiness

Thank God it’s Monday,

I used to begin these Monday Morning Motivational blogs by greeting you with “Happy Monday” and now I greet you with “Thank God it’s Monday”; not because these are lines I just throw out there, but because these salutations are meant to invoke emotion and energy. My hope is that it will help reframe the emotional state you are currently experiencing.

Lets not forget we have the freedom to choose our emotions, so why would we choose any emotion other than happiness? Unfortunately at times we don’t choose to be happy. As humans we are conditioned to enjoy experiencing pain to some degree. If this weren’t the case we would always choose happiness as our emotion.

I challenge you to be mindful of your emotions this week. When you are feeling low tone emotions like fear, anxiety, frustration, and anger make a conscious choice to change your emotion immediately. Why not choose happiness?

Our personality creates our personal reality.

Start by expressing gratitude. Being grateful for things in your life, good or bad, will change your perceptions.

An important fact is, thoughts become our attitudes, attitudes become our behaviors, behaviors turn into habits, and habits become our perceptions.

When you consciously reframe your thoughts and choose happiness your perceptions of your environment change. This makes for a more enjoyable human experience. Try it. What do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing. You will become a role model while leading those around you.

This process is known as conscious living. Imagine if we practiced this regularly, how different would our life be? I promise if you adopt this habit everything in your life will change. “Be the change you want to see.”


Have an abundant and inspired week,

Choose Your Happiness

What goes around…

Thank God it’s Monday,

The best way to succeed is to help others achieve their goals.

Napoleon Hill has spoke to this fact and time has proven him correct. Nothing will ensure your success like assisting others to achieve their success. It doesn’t matter what it is. It could be advising a friend to regain their health or mentoring a young adult what it takes to achieve success. There are plenty of opportunities to share your gifts and talents. It is our job to look for these opportunities.

I bet there is someone who could use your help or support today. Challenge yourself to give from your abbundance to help make someone else’s life better. While doing so, give them all the credit. Remember what goes around, comes around.

Have an abundant and inspired week,

The best way to succeed is to help others achieve their goals.

The Rockefeller Habits

Thank God it’s Monday,

I recently read the book, “The Secrets of the Rockefeller Habits” by Vern Harnish.

This book is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the habits of a successful business. One important tip is to have daily huddles with your team. Sound familiar? The Author informs us daily huddles re-engage each team member with the organization’s core values and core focus. The daily huddle reviews the organizations goals and tracts its progress. It prepares the team to serve the needs of its clients and anticipate the days challenges.

This book is an easy read full of invaluable tools and information to help you create a world-class organization. Here are a few of his rules to learn and follow.

Rule #1:

• Create products/services people can’t live without and are habit forming

• Crank up the new tools of sales and marketing to let the right people know

• Design lean processes to execute on all the revenue you’re generating

• Learn from other highly successful people how to do all the above

Rule #2:

• Create a business model driven by recurring revenues (highest valued firms)

• Bring together a brilliant team (that keeps getting smarter)

• Craft a viral story that attracts the right percentage of the market

• Execute, execute, execute

• You can, and should, succeed with both to maximize profits and sales.

Have an abundant and inspired day,

Rockefeller Habits

Deciding Not to Decide

Thank God it’s Monday,

When was the last time you thought to yourself, “I’m going to wait and see what happens” instead of making a decision? In other words, what have you been putting off deciding on?

Not to decide, is to decide. What are you deciding right now by not deciding? What are you choosing by failing to choose? Living this way is living your life by default. It is leaving your future to random chance. Random chance is the odds you get at a casino. How does that usually work out? Now, I understand some of you rather have a root canal then make a decision but the #1 attribute of success is decisiveness.

It is not always about making the right decision but making the decision RIGHT! There are no right decisions but the decisions we make right. This is not just a play on words but a real formula for success. When you decide and it doesn’t turn out, decide to do something different. It is the act of inaction where failure resides. “Doing the same thing and expecting different results is truly insane.”

Where is action required in your life to make 2016 your best year ever? Where do you need to decide? Do it now! Don’t wait any longer, your future is at stake.

Have an abundant and inspired week,

Deciding Not to Decide

Ignore These Values at Your Own Peril

Thank God it’s Monday,

When was the last time a patient or client announced that they are done with your services?

“Hey doc, thanks for all of your help but this will be my last visit.”

I would bet you have never heard this from a client before.

So why is it that your patients don’t have this conversation with you? They fall off, never to be seen again. EVER!  It is simple, they think you will do everything you can to talk them out of their decision. They believe you will guilt and shame them for giving up on their health. Who wants to confront that? No wonder they make an appointment they never intend to keep.

Our job is to provide solutions to our patients’ problems, to support and encourage them to better health and well-being. If they choose to accept care or not, we should make it easy for them to leave if we ever expect them to return. We should make this known from the moment they start care. They should know you will support them in any decision they make even if the patient chooses wrongly, according to us.

Love your patients. Trust them to choose wisely and if the don’t, let them go so they can return.

Have an abundant and inspired week,

Love and Trust

What can you learn from Maurice White?

Thank God it’s Monday,

What can you learn from Maurice White the founder of Earth, Wind, and Fire?

This past week the co-founder and mastermind behind the legendary R&B funk band Earth, Wind and Fire passed away. He was 74 years old. When I heard the news I was very sad but not surprised. I knew he had been suffering from Parkinson’s disease for the past 24 years. It is the reason he stopped touring in 1994.

You might be wondering why I would be writing about this creative genius. First off, EWF is my all-time favorite band. I have seen them perform a dozen times. The picture above was taken at Summerfest in 2009 in Milwaukee, WI. My wife and I got to meet Phillip Bailey, Ralph Jonson, and Verdine White, Maurice’s brother. They were touring with the band Chicago. It was one of my favorite concerts I have attended.

The band’s style was very influential in my development as a musician, long ago.

EWF earned 20 Grammy nominations and have sold over 100 million records worldwide. They were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2000.

Things were not always easy nor was success a foregone conclusion. They struggled early on. In 1972, the band was in turmoil due to personality conflicts and a lack of a mutual vision. That is when Maurice cleaned house. He brought in new musicians, which was the catalyst for their future success. Without this courageous move, White would have never realized his dream of creating a transformative band that would turn R&B on its’ head.

His vision created a truly unique sound. It melded funky rhythms, melodic harmonies, with a powerful horn section that was a tapestry of music perfection.

There is a powerful lesson in how Maurice took control of the bands destiny. He would not accept anything less than excellence. For EWF to become iconic, world class, and revolutionary in the music industry, they required courage and bold action. Maurice also needed to be fearless in the face of adversity while striving for his dreams. He taught us when your team or in his case the band, does not resonate with your vision, get a new team. He showed us to believe in your vision even when the doubters are singing their own tune.

R.I.P. Maurice. Thank you for the countless hours of amazing music. You have touched millions of hearts with your music. You also provided us with a blueprint for success.

I would like to know, who are some of your favorite bands? Please list them below. It would be fun to see your responses.

Live inspired be abundant,Earth, Wind, & Fire

Playing Small is a Waste!

Playing Small is a Waste

Happy Monday,

I was recently thinking about the goals I set for 2015. I am proud to say that I am on track to hit them all. I’m telling you this not to brag but to confess that perhaps I am playing it to small or to safe.

There is nothing wrong with hitting your goals. Lord knows I speak and write frequently on the subject. But I think there are times we play too small. We do so because we like comfort. As humans we are creatures of comfort. We do not want to be stretched to much because it will make us uncomfortable and that makes us nervous and fearful. Unfortunately to achieve anything truly worth while, we must push ourselves beyond our comfort zone.

The price we pay for playing it safe is a life in which we do ok, but we never reach the greatness we all have within.  The universe is an abundant place with abundant opportunities and infinite potential. The limitations we put upon our thoughts and actions results in small rewards. To think and dream big requires us to push the boundaries of our thoughts. To be willing to challenge our status quo and to set loftier goals. The cool thing is, when you step outside the zone of comfort in thought and action and dare to dream big, the rewards are significant.

So I ask you (and me) if dreaming big requires the same energy as dreaming small, why would we ever dream small?

As we begin 2016 and we are setting our goals, so lets push each other to set big goals this year. Lets think abundantly and dare to be great. The universe is waiting to reward us for stepping up and claiming the greatness within.  “It is better to dream big and miss our goals then to think small and hit them.” Marcus Aurelius

Have an abundant and inspired week,

It’s all about purpose.

Happy Monday,

Well it is week two of the New Year. How are you doing thus far? Are you reviewing your goals and executing your plan? Many of you are probably rolling your eyes at the process, thinking not another year of making lofty goals only to fall short.

So why is that? Well, there are many reasons but I would like to focus on one in particular and perhaps the most important, a lack of a clearly defined purpose. I can hear the groaning already. Not more about purpose? Yes, its all about purpose. The truth be told, numbers and goals specifically do not drive people. It is your purpose that drives you to achieve your goals.

A recent West Point study showed that those who had intrinsic goals, “I want to serve my country and make a difference” outperformed those with extrinsic goals, “I want to rise in the ranks and become an officer because it is prestigious.”

Goals may motivate you in the short term but they will not sustain you over time. Without a good or great reason to keep moving forward during challenges you either quit or go through the motions which eventually will result in another year of frustration and unaccomplished goals.

Please understand that this does not mean you shouldn’t measure your goals. I tell docs and their teams all the time that goals are a way to measure if you are living your purpose. When you see your patients as numbers and not as people, you are off purpose. Once your goals have been defined it is your purpose that drives you to achieving them. The greater your purpose the greater the performance.

Before you start defining your 2016 goals, define or redefine your purpose. Share it with your team and create a cross accountability. Purpose driven goals transcend any extrinsic motivator and will help you overcome any obstacle while enhancing performance that will far exceed any numbered goals.

Have an abundant and inspired week,


New Year, Fresh Start

Happy Monday and New Year!
Each New Year marks an opportunity to start new and fresh. A time to reinvent yourself. To look within and decide that this year will be better then any previous year. Its time to decide what you want your life to look like 12 months from now and what actions do you need to take. Then it takes discipline, commitment and dogged determination to never be out worked.
Do this and I promise you can have amazing growth like so many have experienced in 2015. Some of you have expanded your business by 20%, 30% and even 40% this past year! WOW!! A huge Congrats for dreaming big and not accepting mediocrity. Some have eliminated toxic relationships and committed to your daily success habits. While others have built brand new offices, bought new practices and expanded existing offices. Lets not forget those of you who have gotten in better shape and have healed old relationships.
As you can see, many cool things have happened for so many of you. I am honored and humbled to have played a small part.
If you have fallen short of you goals in the past, what are going to do different this year? Who do you need to become? What concepts, ideas and behaviors do you need to adopt? Will you allow others to help you get what you want and even more so, hold you accountable?
The beauty of it all, is it’s all up to you. Your life reflects exactly the thoughts you have. To have something different, create new thoughts.
It is all in front of you. You get to decide. These are exciting times. You can be as successful as you want. Dare to be great. Play up to your God given potential and 12 months from now you can look back with pride on your many accomplishments. Are you ready to get started?

Have an abundant and inspired New Year!

Dr. Jay LaGuardia Sunset