
Dr. Jay LaGuardia on Right or Wrong…

Avoid adding spice to hot discussions.
Have you ever been in an argument? Of course you have. When you find yourself caught up in a discussion about a topic you are passion about (knowing you are right), it’s likely you’ll argue to the bitter end. How do you feel after this. . .good? Do you ever walk away feeing better about yourself? My guess is no. You might have won the battle, but you will have likely lost the war. 

The result is resentment and bitterness. Neither are great qualities to build relationships and influence others. The need to be right comes from ego. It is also an indication of low self-esteem. If you know you are right, does it help to bludgeon someone to prove it?

The idea of being right is the idea that someone else is wrong. The question I would have you consider is, “Is it better to be right or to be kind?” What’s the cost of being right? 

Be humble enough to know when to walk away. Avoid attacking and becoming defensive. Preserving a relationship is more important. When you feel emotions welling up, it is time to walk away. Accept it for what it is, an impasse. Choose Love instead. Maintaining a healthy relationship is more important to personal happiness.



Follow Your Hunches with Dr. Jay LaGuardia

Have you ever experienced moments of inspiration, random thoughts, ideas or hunches? Neale Donald Walsch, calls these moments “Angel Talk,” which is a cool way of describing the messages from God or the Field of Intention. Whatever it is called, it doesn’t matter. 

What matters is that we pay attention to theses messages. “Heaven talks in snippets, not in speeches.”


We all experience moments of inspiration, and it doesn’t even require us to be religious. The question is, are we paying attention? More importantly, are we acting on these messages? 

When you find yourself being blessed with messages or hunches, stop, listen and act. These are blessing from above that should not be ignored. Be thankful for them. It means that you’re in tune with the infinite. There is no greater gift.




Character Does Matter

Have you ever considered how important character is to your success? Not just your character, but also the character of each member of your team? If you were to survey 1000 people, I believe that you would receive an overwhelming response that character matters.

I believe when we are building our team, too often we spend more time considering talent than character. Think about it, talent without character is like having a sexy sports car without gas. Consider exceptionally talented athletes or performers who have serious character flaws. They eventually destroy themselves and their careers. The list is almost endless.

This is why I would suggest that you consider the character of the people who you associate yourself with and the people you allow on your team.

A team built on strong character allows talent to reach its full potential. It will bring out the best in an organization and when adversity strikes (because it always will), you have the strengths to overcome and persevere. Character will drive the team to reach their full potential and it will bring out the best in others.

The most successful individuals and teams surround themselves with high character people. Plus, they are constantly growing their own character. Never stop striving to become a better version of yourself. It’s always higher character first, energy second, and talent third.


Dr. Jay LaGuardia Desert Hike

Dr. Jay LaGuardia is always finding ways to push himself to the next level.  In his never ending quest to be the best that he can possibly be, he often challenges the very limits of what the human body, mind, and spirit can handle.  [highlight style=”alt”]Hiking in the desert,[/highlight] is a perfect example!


Dr. Jay LaGuardia has traveled the world.  He has experienced extreme climates.
Expanding his comfort zone is part of his daily routine!

Dr. Jay LaGuardia and Daughter Enjoy Minnesota Twins Game

One thing Dr. Jay LaGuardia has learned, is that life is too short not to enjoy it whenever possible.  Setting the example of work hard, play hard, Dr. Jay LaGuardia spends times with his children whenever he can.  Pictured here Dr. Jay LaGuardia and daughter taking in a Minnesota Twins Game, is just a classic example.


Work Hard, Play Hard, a Dr. Jay LaGuardia Life Philosophy.
Success without freedom…is a waste!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam bibendum, libero eu rutrum feugiat, urna orci porta magna, id scelerisque neque nunc sit amet felis. Donec pellentesque tempus mauris, et feugiat magna pellentesque quis. Mauris in ultricies arcu. Vestibulum dolor ipsum, pretium et mollis sed, sollicitudin ac mi. Aliquam euismod erat in nunc suscipit auctor. Sed malesuada ante eu libero molestie ultrices. Duis varius mattis imperdiet. Nunc egestas, leo vel ultricies euismod, dui enim viverra est, ut pharetra quam justo et magna. Sed aliquam, libero pharetra venenatis posuere, justo mi feugiat leo, ut aliquet orci metus in nulla. Mauris mollis elementum fermentum. Donec id felis vitae arcu accumsan consequat. Praesent nibh urna, viverra vel volutpat vel, mollis eu magna. Praesent libero magna, volutpat vel ultrices malesuada, rutrum vel elit. In luctus mi id magna tincidunt aliquet. Sed eu tortor nisl, eu viverra mauris. Cras pellentesque ultricies volutpat.

Nulla a elit ut lorem venenatis sagittis laoreet in quam. Etiam semper adipiscing ullamcorper. Maecenas vel nulla nulla, sit amet laoreet diam. Aliquam accumsan laoreet posuere. Phasellus cursus, ante et lacinia faucibus, dolor ipsum ultrices lacus, sit amet facilisis dolor est bibendum metus. [highlight style=”alt”]This is highlight shortcode in action[/highlight]. Curabitur in ultricies urna. Praesent dolor justo, pulvinar eu tristique eget, ornare sed dui. Fusce imperdiet ipsum et enim sollicitudin eget dignissim ligula interdum. Phasellus bibendum, urna id ornare gravida, lorem ipsum commodo ipsum, in congue ante orci et velit.

Duis varius mattis imperdiet. Nunc egestas, leo vel ultricies euismod, dui enim viverra est, ut pharetra quam justo et magna. Sed aliquam, libero pharetra venenatis posuere, justo mi feugiat leo, ut aliquet orci metus in nulla. Mauris mollis elementum fermentum. Donec id felis vitae arcu accumsan consequat. Praesent nibh urna, viverra vel volutpat vel, mollis eu magna.

This is dropcap shortcode in action. There are 4 different dropcaps. Check them out in Shortcodes section. Vestibulum ornare lacinia blandit. Donec ac dolor risus, sit amet congue felis. Aliquam molestie mi sit amet risus laoreet in varius eros blandit. Donec sed nisi quis erat porta suscipit sed id quam. Maecenas sodales arcu est. Ut at nibh velit. Aenean tristique mauris vel eros aliquam sollicitudin. Cras tempus iaculis nisl nec adipiscing. Integer lobortis orci vitae massa auctor nec sagittis dolor condimentum.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam bibendum, libero eu rutrum feugiat, urna orci porta magna, id scelerisque neque nunc sit amet felis. Donec pellentesque tempus mauris, et feugiat magna pellentesque quis. Mauris in ultricies arcu. Vestibulum dolor ipsum, pretium et mollis sed, sollicitudin ac mi. Aliquam euismod erat in nunc suscipit auctor. Sed malesuada ante eu libero molestie ultrices. Duis varius mattis imperdiet. Nunc egestas, leo vel ultricies euismod, dui enim viverra est, ut pharetra quam justo et magna. Sed aliquam, libero pharetra venenatis posuere, justo mi feugiat leo, ut aliquet orci metus in nu

lla. Mauris mollis elementum fermentum. Donec id felis vitae arcu accumsan consequat. Praesent nibh urna, viverra vel volutpat vel, mollis eu magna. Praesent libero magna, volutpat vel ultrices malesuada, rutrum vel elit. In luctus mi id magna tincidunt aliquet. Sed eu tortor nisl, eu viverra mauris. Cras pellentesque ultricies volutpat.

Nulla a elit ut lorem venenatis sagittis laoreet in quam. Etiam semper adipiscing ullamcorper. Maecenas vel nulla nulla, sit amet laoreet diam. Aliquam accumsan laoreet posuere. Phasellus cursus, ante et lacinia faucibus, dolor ipsum ultrices lacus, sit amet facilisis dolor est bibendum metus. [highlight style=”alt”]This is highlight shortcode in action[/highlight]. Curabitur in ultricies urna. Praesent dolor justo, pulvinar eu tristique eget, ornare sed dui. Fusce imperdiet ipsum et enim sollicitudin eget dignissim ligula interdum. Phasellus bibendum, urna id ornare gravida, lorem ipsum commodo ipsum, in congue ante orci et velit.

Duis varius mattis imperdiet. Nunc egestas, leo vel ultricies euismod, dui enim viverra est, ut pharetra quam justo et magna. Sed aliquam, libero pharetra venenatis posuere, justo mi feugiat leo, ut aliquet orci metus in nulla. Mauris mollis elementum fermentum. Donec id felis vitae arcu accumsan consequat. Praesent nibh urna, viverra vel volutpat vel, mollis eu magna.

This is dropcap shortcode in action. There are 4 different dropcaps. Check them out in Shortcodes section. Vestibulum ornare lacinia blandit. Donec ac dolor risus, sit amet congue felis. Aliquam molestie mi sit amet risus laoreet in varius eros blandit. Donec sed nisi quis erat porta suscipit sed id quam. Maecenas sodales arcu est. Ut at nibh velit. Aenean tristique mauris vel eros aliquam sollicitudin. Cras tempus iaculis nisl nec adipiscing. Integer lobortis orci vitae massa auctor nec sagittis dolor condimentum.